
Aligned Resources

Shodor > Interactivate > Standards > North Carolina Standard Course of Study: Grade 5 > Aligned Resources

North Carolina Standard Course of Study
Grade 5
Number and Operations, Measurement, Geometry, Data Analysis and Probability, Algebra:
COMPETENCY GOAL 3: The learner will understand and use properties and relationships of plane figures.
Lesson  (...)
Activity  (...)
Activity: Build your own polygon and transform it in the Cartesian coordinate system. Experiment with reflections across any line, revolving around any line (which yields a 3-D image), rotations about any point, and translations in any direction.

Activity: Build a "floor tile" by dragging the corners of a quadrilateral. Learn about tessellation of quadrilateral figures when the shape you built is tiled over an area.

Activity: Create a tessellation by deforming a triangle, rectangle or hexagon to form a polygon that tiles the plane. Corners of the polygons may be dragged, and corresponding edges of the polygons may be dragged. Parameters: Colors, starting polygon.

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