
Aligned Resources

Shodor > Interactivate > Standards > Virginia Standards of Learning: 8th Grade > Aligned Resources

Virginia Standards of Learning
8th Grade
Patterns, Functions, and Algebra:
8.18 The student will use the following algebraic terms appropriately: domain, range, independent variable, and dependent variable.
Lesson  (...)
Lesson: Introduction and fine points of using bar graphs and histograms.

Lesson: Introduces statistical measures of center.

Activity  (...)
Activity: This applet allows the user to make observations about the relationship between speed and position and how both of these are affected by initial velocity and the incline on which the biker is traveling.

Activity: Enter data and view the mean, median, variance, and standard deviation of the data set. Parameters: Number of observations, range for observations, which statistics to view, identifiers for the data.

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