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Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Shodor > NCSI Talks > AgentSheets > Diffusion Limited Aggregation

Diffusion Limited Aggregation Model

What is this model?

This is an agent-based model that depicts the diffusion-limited aggregation of particles. The model begins with one seed particle and almost 200 molecules moving randomly around the screen. When a particle touches the seed particle, it becomes another sedentary seed particle. The user can change the "stickiness" of the seed particles (their likelihood to turn other particles into seed particles) as well as the initial number and location of normal particles and seed particles. A graph plots the number of regular and "sticky" particles throughout the simulation.

What can this Model be used to teach?

  1. Examine the relationship between the "sticky" parameter and the patterns produced
  2. Consider diffusion-limited aggregation as an example of fractals
  3. Examine the roll that diffusion plays in the patterns of this model

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