In Inkscape, go to File > Open
PEN TOOL: Select pen tool and trace one of the feathers. Start at tip and make closed shape.
Go to Edit > Duplicate. This will create a duplicate feather for the logo. You can repeat this process for each of the feathers.
EYEDROPPER TOOL: Select the eyedropper tool, then click on the color you want to duplicate. Now you can fill each feather with the colors you select using this tool.
TEXT TOOL: Use the text tool to type our "NBC".
Go to Path > Object to Path.
PATHS TOOL: Click on the Paths tool, then on one of the letters. Drag and drop the nodes to recreate the letters in the NBC logo.
Go to File > Save As. Type in: "yournameNBC.svg". Click Save. Go to File > New > Default (new window - close or leave open - up to you).