Web Design
Shodor > SUCCEED > Curriculum > Workshops > Web Design

2nd GIMP activity: Fireworks at the Taj Mahal

Cut out background from taj mahal like we did with the blimp

  1. use wand to select the blue background around the taj mahal "threshold of 40";
  2. select > invert "CTRL+I";
  3. edit > copy "CTRL+C";
  4. edit > paste "CTRL+V" the taj mahal is pasted onto a new layer as "floating selection" dbl click on the TEXT "floating selection" and rename it "taj mahal" , then hit "enter" so now, when you click the eye OFF on the original "background layer" your "taj mahal" layer should have no blue background delete (trash) the original "background layer"
  5. SAVE!!
  6. change brightness & contrast "b:-95, c:95";
  7. SAVE!!
  8. open "fireworks.jpg" file

Paste the fireworks into a layer in the background behind the Taj Mahal.

  1. select > all (CTRL+A)
  2. edit > copy (CTRL+C)
  3. GO to Taj Mahal file window
  4. edit > paste (CTRL+V)
    the fireworks layer is pasted onto a new layer as "floating selection"
    dbl click on the TEXT "floating selection" and rename it "fireworks", then hit "enter"
  5. scale up the fireworks layer to fill the window
    in the toolbox, select "scale" and use the handles to scale up the image
  6. move the fireworks layer to the bottom of the stack of layers
    so now, the fireworks layer should be behind the taj mahal and fill the background
  7. SAVE!!
  8. change hue of fireworks (make sure that the fireworks layer is selected)
    Colors > Hue & Saturation
    Slide the Hue bar to change the color of the fire works
    Explain saturation (lack of color to richest in color)