Bungee Jumping!

This started on STELLA® and was ported to perl and html. It is a model of a bungee-jumper over time after a jump. It has been corrected from the original model to account for the fact that the jumper is not in a vacuum. This model includes air resistance. Note that air resistance is a constant here. This is a bit of a simplification, since in fact it depends on surface area. However, most bungee jumpers are within a factor of 2 of the same surface area, so it seems reasonable. Try experimenting with the mass of the jumper (in kg; 75 kg is a medium-sized man, for those who are used to English units), the runtime and time between iterations, and the platform height. When you hit jump it will display graphs telling about the jump.

UPDATE: This module knows when you have hit the ground, so don't think you're immortal anymore!

Please Enter the Following variables:

Platform Height: meters

Time between iterations:seconds
(Note: dt greater than approximately .15 seconds (or, if you are changing the mass, 1/500 of the mass) will fail due to the limits of the calculation method used.)

Time it runs:seconds

Mass: Kilograms

Graph Size

Graph type:

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