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Candid Student Reports

The following (emails) were written by members of the Forensic and Investigative Science during the first session of the program. Some elements may have been removed for various reasons, but the text that remains is in the student's own words.


  Today we learned how to identify different 
objects using methods taught to us by Wendy.  
She explained to us why different thing 
occurred when different methods were applied. 
I think today's class went well because I 
learned several things that I was not aware 
of before.  I hop that tomorrows class will 
be as eventful as todays.


today was interesting but i seemed not to 
enjoy myself with some of the activities. 
over it was worth while to learn something

I had a lot of fun today. My favorite parts
of the class were code breaking and hair 
analysis. I still have to figure out the 
Shakespeare anagram, but I'm going to finish 
it tomorrow.


Today i had a lot of fun goofing off.
Amist all the crazyness I learned some stuff 
about chemical reactions to different radiation.
I found the codebreaking sessions interesting. 


Last Update: February 18, 1999
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