Forensic Science is the application of the scientific method to solving mysteries. Computers and computational methods are useful to forensic scientists. These methods allow scientists to view evidence with greater clarity, to simulate specific events and to save time by automating tedious processes. How do you know?One of the most useful tools a scientist has is the ability to reason. Logic skills are important in all fields of scientific inquiry. The activitivies on this page are designed to help students practice their observation skills, recognize the subjective nature of the human mind, and learn methods of reasoning. Laboratory ExperimentsAnother tool in the forensic scientists arsenal is a grounded understanding in the basic sciences. Principles of chemistry, physics, mathematics, biology and even entymology aid in collecting and interpreting evidence. Students can experiment with the technical methods used in forensic science using these hands-on labs. Case StudiesStudents combine their scientific knowledge and computer modeling skills with their deductive reasoning ability to solve mysteries. |