Page 2A


There are four possible places to put a 1x1 brick under a 4x1 brick, which, looking from left to right, we could label A,B,C and D

1+4A Brick 1+4B Brick 1+4C Brick 1+4D Brick
1+4A Graphic 1+4B Graphic 1+4C Graphic 1+4D Graphic

If we look carefully, however, we notice that we can get structure D, simply by looking at structure A from the other side, which is also true for structures B and C. One of the standard laws for basic physics is that the rules of nature don't change for a different point of view. This seems to hold true in this case as well, as both A and D TOPPLE, and B and C STAND!

A good scientist or engineer will recognize when two 'different' things are actually the same thing from a different perspective. This can make for a lot less work when trying to test a list if different combinations! In this case, we really only have two different structures, and not four.

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