Egg Bungee Procedure
Egg Bungee Procedure

Harness Construction Procedures

  1. Cut out a 4 inch by 4 inch piece of cloth.
  2. Fit the cloth around an egg.
  3. unbend 4 paper clips as shown.

  4. Secure the cloth around the egg with the paper clips.
  5. Secure the paper clips to rubber band chain as shown.

Egg Drop Data Point Collection Procedures
  1. Construct an egg harness and attach it to a rubber band chain consisting of 2 rubber bands.
  2. Have one person hold the meter stick, while another person holds the top rubber band and drops the egg, as shown.

  3. Have the remaining people in the group observe and record the distance the egg drops.
  4. Attach one more rubber band to the chain and repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until your rubber band chain is 7 rubber bands long.

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