Cartesian Coordinate Plane Lesson
Cartesian Coordinate Lesson Plan


This lesson combines using Shodor's computer applets with a fun hands-on activity. This lesson not only teaches basic coordinate plane manipulation, but also transforms any classroom or outside area into a three dimensional coordinate plane.

Standards (NCTM 3-5)


Understand numbers, ways of representing numbers, relationships among numbers, and number systems Geometry

Specify locations and describe spatial relationships using coordinate geometry and other representational systems

Student Prerequisites


Students must be able to: Teacher Preparation

Have a classroom or an outside area sectioned off into a coordinate plane

Students will need:

Lesson Outline

  1. Focus and Review
  2. Review any pertinent vocabulary and express to the students that today they will be learning about the Cartesian Coordinate Plane.

  3. Objectives
  4. Students will be able to identify points on 2 and 3 dimensional Carteasian Coordinate Planes.

  5. Teacher Input
  1. Guided Practice
  1. Independent Practice
  1. Closure

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