Making Web Pages


This lesson allows students to explore basic functions of HTML and web page design.

Students will do so by creating a basic web page in a text editor. They will learn to perform commands such as changing font size and color.


Upon completion of this lesson, students will be familiar with basic HTML commands.

Student Prerequisites

Teacher Preparation

Students will need:

Lesson Outline

Explain that web sites are made through a set of text instructions in a language called HTML (HyperText Markup Language). To make HTML documents, you can use any type of text editor (have them give examples of these to make sure they understand), such as BBEdit or Word. Help them make a basic web page, explaining tags as you go. Show them how to change font sizes and colors, as well as alignment such as centering. Let them play around with this, and show them how to look at their pages on the web (click the file and drag into a browser).

A list of HTML tag descriptions and usage can be found here W3Schools.
Another useful list of HTML tags W3Schools Alphabetical list.
Need help with HTML or CSS go to Shodor tutorial.

Alternate Outlines

Suggested Follow Up

If time permits, teach students to make links.

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