Class Introductions


This lesson allows students to become familiar with each others' names and get to know one another, strengthening social skills.


Upon completion of this lesson, students should know the names of others in the class and feel more comfortable working with one another.

Student Prerequisites

Teacher Preparation

Students will need:

Lesson Outline

Each student will be assigned an animal, which will be written on a note card and placed on his/her back. The student must not know what his/her animal is. The class will line up in two lines facing each other and partner with the person standing across from them. One student will expose their animal to their partner, and in return, the partner will give clues about the animal. The goal is for each student to guess their animal with the clues received from their partner. After an amount of time, determined by the instructor, the students will switch and repeat the process. Instructors may consider doing this multiple times with different partners (after redistributing animal cards).

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