Formula for Volume

Let's find the volume of the box. Volume is 3-dimensional and therefore will be measured in units cubed rather than square units. Volume can be found using the formula: volume= l * w * h, where l is length, w is width, and h is height. So, let's measure the length, width, and height of our box. Depending on what you considered the length and width, you should get something like this: volume= 19 * 13 * 3= 741 units cubed.

arrows towards the length, width, and height

There is a formula for volume as well. If we say that the side that was originally 19 units long is the length, and the cut of 3 was taken off each end of the length, then the length would be 19 - 2x, where x is the length of the cut. Then let's also say that the side that was 25 units long originally is the width. Then the width would be 25 - 2x, like the length. The height of our box is all the sides of the paper to where the cut stopped or, in other words, would simply be the cut: x.

Returning to our original equation where volume= length x width x height, we substitute our new values into this equation. In turn, we come up with the equation: volume= (19 - 2x) (25 - 2x) x, where x is the cut. Simplified, the equation becomes: volume= 475x - 88x2 + 4x3. This equation gives the same result, 741 units cubed.

Volume   =   length   *   width   *   height
y = (19 - 2x) * (25 - 2x) * x