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Page 5

High Seas Adventure!

Begin First Challenge:

Assign numbers to student groups; then assign sample masses to each student group. Students will try to find the densities of the objects, and then use a table of values posted on the board to guess what their samples are made of.

Groups should use the following spreadsheet to record results:

File. Since this lesson plan is a teacher's copy, students can access this file by going to http://shodor.org/~rohins/portfolio and clicking on the link labelled "Density Table."

Teachers should compare the densities students derive with the densities on the file below: File

First Challenge Pic

For the next step, use a 250mL beaker or another beaker of similar size. The instructor may elect to perform these steps far away from electronic equipment to minimize accidental damage due to water spillage.

For measuring the volume, the instructor can either use a container with incremental graduations or use a ruler to measure the water levels and compute the volume using the length and width of the container and the change in the height of the water level.

First Challenge Pic #2

Example of 100mL raft within 250mL cylinder

Now students should have the following data:

So, students can calculate density using the equation ρ = mv or through the Excel sheet attached at the top of this page.

On to page 6!