Make sure that all of the files for your web page (html and graphics) are in one folder on your desktop, named after your project. Make all of your filenames and foldernames one word, all lowercase, and no unusual characters. They should all have an extension, like ".html" or ".gif" after the filename. Don't include MacSpartan files or extraneous files. Make your main html page "index.html".
This folder will be moved over to the web server after you're done. Tell a presenter when you are sure it's finished so that we can get it on the web as soon as possible!
Once this is done, you can access your project at
OR just go to
and navigate the links from there to your project.
MAKE SURE to proofread your project before you ask us to put it online! Trade folders with another group and get them to check for broken links, extra files, and especially spelling!
Quick Guide to HTML and Example Presentation Page