Interpreting Output Files

Gaussian 94 Info

CompChem Main Page

Gaussian94 produces several files containing the results of your run. Obviously, the size and type of information returned depends on the type of job you submitted. There are two basic files that are created by your job:

  • .out file Contains most of the chemical results of your run

  • .chk A checkpoint file, usually placed in a temporary directory. In the beginning stages, you will not need a checkpoint file.

    Now we'll walk through a water output file generated in a simple run.

    Output file for Water Run

    This reading describes in basic detail the various parts of a relatively simple output file. My comments or output information that is pertinent at this stage are in bold, embedded in the output. As we add more options and requests, the output files will become appropriately more detailed and lengthy.

    The beginning of the output file is what I call the "commercial", simply giving all the proper references, credits, etc., and has been excluded here.

    This next section is called the route section, 
    it describes the paths, or links, 
    through which the computations were routed.  
    You can hand-tweak the route, but that is 
    beyond the scope of this course!
      Default route:  scf=direct
     # HF/STO-3G Test
    Your input file is "regurgitated" back at you here:
     Single point energy calc of water
     Symbolic Z-matrix:
        Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1
     H     1     0.958
     H     1     0.958     2     105.
                             Z-MATRIX (ANGSTROMS AND DEGREES)
     CD Cent Atom  N1     Length/X     N2    Alpha/Y     N3     Beta/Z      J
       1   1  O
       2   2  H     1   0.958000(  1)
       3   3  H     1   0.958000(  2)   2  105.000(  3)
                      Z-Matrix orientation:
     Center     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Number     Number             X           Y           Z
        1          8           0.000000    0.000000    0.000000
        2          1           0.000000    0.000000    0.958000
        3          1           0.925357    0.000000   -0.247949
                        Distance matrix (angstroms):
                  1          2          3
      1  O    0.000000
      2  H    0.958000   0.000000
      3  H    0.958000   1.520065   0.000000
                               Interatomic angles:
     Stoichiometry    H2O
     Framework group  C2V[C2(O),SGV(H2)]
     Deg. of freedom    2
     Full point group                 C2V     NOp   4
     Largest Abelian subgroup         C2V     NOp   4
     Largest concise Abelian subgroup C2      NOp   2
    The geometry in cartesian coordinates is reported.  
    The standard orientiation allows you to "visualize" the molecule 
    in three-dimensional space.  This particular molecule is planar, 
    no X-dimension:
                       Standard orientation:
     Center     Atomic              Coordinates (Angstroms)
     Number     Number             X           Y           Z
        1          8           0.000000    0.000000    0.116639
        2          1           0.000000    0.760032   -0.466555
        3          1           0.000000   -0.760032   -0.466555
     Rotational constants (GHZ):    830.0843856    434.0480282    285.0148346
     Isotopes: O-16,H-1,H-1
     Standard basis: STO-3G (5D, 7F)
     There are     4 symmetry adapted basis functions of A1  symmetry.
     There are     0 symmetry adapted basis functions of A2  symmetry.
     There are     1 symmetry adapted basis functions of B1  symmetry.
     There are     2 symmetry adapted basis functions of B2  symmetry.
     Crude estimate of integral set expansion from redundant integrals=1.296.
     Integral buffers will be    131072 words long.
     Raffenetti 1 integral format.
     Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
    We'll be discussing the information below when we discuss
    basis sets and gaussians
         7 basis functions       21 primitive gaussians
         5 alpha electrons        5 beta electrons
           nuclear repulsion energy         9.1861614261 Hartrees.
     One-electron integrals computed using PRISM.
     The smallest eigenvalue of the overlap matrix is  3.428D-01
     Projected INDO Guess.
     Initial guess orbital symmetries:
           Occupied  (A1) (A1) (B2) (A1) (B1)
           Virtual   (A1) (B2)
     Warning!  Cutoffs for single-point calculations used.
     Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-04 within  64 cycles.
     Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-02.
     Requested convergence on             energy=5.00D-05.
     Keep R1 integrals in memory in canonical form, NReq=      820122.
     Convergence on energy, delta-E=4.36D-05
    Energy is reported in units of Hartrees:
     SCF Done:  E(RHF) =  -74.9628755112     A.U. after    4 cycles
                 Convg  =    0.7156D-03             -V/T =  2.0050
                 S**2   =   0.0000
                Population analysis using the SCF density.
     Orbital Symmetries:
           Occupied  (A1) (A1) (B2) (A1) (B1)
           Virtual   (A1) (B2)
      The electronic state is 1-A1.
     Alpha  occ. eigenvalues --  -20.24155  -1.26755  -0.61847  -0.45180  -0.39102
     Alpha virt. eigenvalues --    0.60398   0.74267
              Condensed to atoms (all electrons):
                  1          2          3
      1  O    7.838142   0.264120   0.264120
      2  H    0.264120   0.600239  -0.047550
      3  H    0.264120  -0.047550   0.600239
    Charges reported.  Oxygen slightly negative, hydrogens slightly positive:
     Total atomic charges:
      1  O   -0.366381
      2  H    0.183191
      3  H    0.183191
    A neutral molecule:
     Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
     Atomic charges with hydrogens summed into heavy atoms:
      1  O    0.000000
      2  H    0.000000
      3  H    0.000000
     Sum of Mulliken charges=   0.00000
     Electronic spatial extent (au):  =    17.8435
     Charge=     0.0000 electrons
    Dipole moment suggests that water is a polar molecule, oriented towards the oxygen:
     Dipole moment (Debye):
        X=     0.0000    Y=     0.0000    Z=    -1.7216  Tot=     1.7216
     Quadrupole moment (Debye-Ang):
       XX=    -6.0947   YY=    -4.3421   ZZ=    -5.4004
       XY=     0.0000   XZ=     0.0000   YZ=     0.0000
     Octapole moment (Debye-Ang**2):
      XXX=     0.0000  YYY=     0.0000  ZZZ=    -0.1973  XYY=     0.0000
      XXY=     0.0000  XXZ=    -0.0031  XZZ=     0.0000  YZZ=     0.0000
      YYZ=    -0.5547  XYZ=     0.0000
     Hexadecapole moment (Debye-Ang**3):
     XXXX=    -3.2314 YYYY=    -6.5082 ZZZZ=    -4.8595 XXXY=     0.0000
     XXXZ=     0.0000 YYYX=     0.0000 YYYZ=     0.0000 ZZZX=     0.0000
     ZZZY=     0.0000 XXYY=    -1.7784 XXZZ=    -1.3828 YYZZ=    -1.6870
     XXYZ=     0.0000 YYXZ=     0.0000 ZZXY=     0.0000
     N-N= 9.186161426141D+00 E-N=-1.969463469274D+02  KE= 7.458711730121D+01
     Symmetry A1   KE= 6.659328040052D+01
     Symmetry A2   KE= 0.000000000000D+00
     Symmetry B1   KE= 5.057462452019D+00
     Symmetry B2   KE= 2.936374448670D+00
     Test job not archived.
     1\1\NCSC-GUYOT\SP\RHF\STO-3G\H2O1\BMV\13-Jan-1998\0\\#RHF/STO-3G TEST\
     \Single point energy calc of water\\0,1\O\H,1,0.958\H,1,0.958,2,105.\\
     04\Dipole=0.5373429,0.,0.4123177\PG=C02V [C2(O1),SGV(H2)]\\@
    Your "fortune cookie" for this run:
         -- JOHN DRYDEN (1631-1700)
     Job cpu time:  0 days  0 hours  0 minutes 10.5 seconds.
     File lengths (MBytes):  RWF=    6 Int=    0 D2E=    0 Chk=    1 Scr=    1
     Normal termination of Gaussian 94

    That last line, "Normal termination of Gaussian 94", should bring comfort to your heart. Not only did you set up the input file correctly, but you submitted it in the proper format and the computer had enough time to run the whole calculation. This is the first thing you should look for in an output file so that you know if the rest of the results are meaningful.

    Why, you ask, is the first thing that you should look for at the end of the file? Well, the computer is generating this output file as it runs, so the last thing it thinks about is how it is shutting down. Sorry, you just have to do all of that scrolling!

    Remember, this output file is for a (comparatively) simple run. Other types of calculations have different outputs, which will be detailed separately.

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