Creating Gaussian 94 Input Files

Gaussian 94 Info

CompChem Main Page

Gaussian94 requires very little user input. To submit a job to Gaussian94, the user creates a relatively simple input file. This file should have the extention ".inp". For example, a water file might be titled "water.inp".

The general format for Gaussian94 input files is as follows:

Line 1: Link0 section (not used in Lab 1, defines the location of scratch files)
Line 2: Route section -- specifies the type of job, approximations to be used
Line 3: Blank line
Line 4: Title section -- provides a title for archiving and reporting purposes
Line 5: Blank line
Line 6-?: Molecule specification -- gives the structure of the molecule to be studied
Line ?+1-??: Variables section -- listings of variables to be used in the input file
Line ??+1: Blank line

Notice the emphasis on the blank lines. They have to be there, and forgetting the blank lines, especially the one at the end of the file, is the foremost reason why beginning users of Gaussian94 don't get successful runs!

This reading explores in more depth each of the sections above.

Link0 section

The Link0 section has the purpose of establishing scratch files to be used in the computation. The most common scratch file is the "checkpoint" file. The checkpoint file serves to store useful intermediate datasets, such as structures, wavefunctions, and force constants. Generally, the checkpoint files are useful only to the program, not to you as output files to be evaluated. There are, however, several utility programs, such as "formchk", which can be used to format the checkpoint files for analysis by human eyes or visualization software. A checkpoint file can be requested by the use of this command in the Link0 sections:


We will probably not make use of this option, in which case, that section can be left out entirely.

Route section

This section controls the computation by selecting the type of approximation and basis set to be used. The route section is specfied by the "#" character, and is followed by a blank line. The route section consists of a wide variety of keywords and options for controlling the computation.

Approximation method: the approximation method is known as the "model chemistry". For the simple problems in this session, we'll use the Hartree-Fock approximation. You should recall that this method is the simplest and least accurate method, in that it does not take into account electron-electron correlations. It is, however, a good method for getting some insight into the properties of a structure. There are two "versions" of the Hartree-Fock model chemistry: restricted and unrestricted. The restricted method (RHF) is used for those molecules that have only paired electrons. Unrestricted Hartree-Fock (UHF) is to be used for those structures that have lone electrons in the structure. The Hartree-Fock model chemistry is the theory that will be the most useful for our purposes. Other model chemistries with a brief description are:

Configuration Interaction (CI): briefly, full CI methods represent a mixing of all possible electronic conditions of the structure. CI represents a highly rigorous computational technique.

Möller-Plesset Perturbation Theory (MPx, where x is a version number): builds on the Hartree-Fock model chemistry by including some higher electronic approximations.

Your choice of model chemistry is specified in the Route section, such as:

# MP2

Basis set: your choice of basis set is also specified in the Route section, separated from the model chemistry by a "/". Basis sets represent a starting "guess" on the mathematical "shape" of the wavefunction. Remember that the basis set represents a "kick-start" to the mathematical engine in Gaussian94. The combination of model chemistry and basis set dictates the complexity and accuracy of the solutions obtained. Keep in mind that the "goal" is to get closer and closer to a solution of the Schroedinger equation:

The finalized route section might look like these:

# RHF / STO-3G
# HF / 6-13G OPT

In the first example, we are asking for a restricted Hartree-Fock approximation using the basis set STO-3G (Slater-type orbitals, 3 gaussians). In the second example, we are requesting the Hartree-Fock approximation with the 6-31G basis set, and we want Gaussian94 to optimize the geometry. In the third example, we are using Hartree-Fock, with 6h 6-31G polarized basis set. We want it to do a direct self-consistent field calculation, with a frequency calculation being performed, with the initial guess coming from a checkpoint file, and the initial geometry also coming from the checkpoint file.

Title section

The title section is just a label for you to use in keeping track of your output. The title is placed on a single line by itself, without any special characters preceeding it.

Molecule specification

This section is used to describe the basic beginning characteristics of the molecule to be studied: charge, spin multiplicity, units, and coordinates of the molecule.

Charge: a positive or negative integer indicating the total charge on the molecule. For example, the charge on water is 0; the charge on ammonia (NH3+) is 1.

Spin multiplicity, or multiplicity for short, is the same as the multiplicity that MacSpartan uses in its calculations. For our purposes, we are only concerned with multiplicities of 1 or 2. Molecules with all electrons in pairs have multiplicity of 1, while molecules with a single unpaired electron have multiplicity 2.

Now comes the fun part! We must provide a starting geometry of the molecule of interest. You have three options on how you might do this: