Photonics Xplorers, a year-round multidisciplinary program for culturally diverse ninth and tenth graders, provides two cohorts of 20 students an opportunity to participate in a two-year continuing learning experience. Meeting for one week each summer and ten afternoons each semester, students investigate optics, laser technology, and electronics, learn about careers, meet scientists, and participate on field trips. Through the program, students construct devices, perform experiments that teach science, mathematics, and engineering, and have opportunities to present their findings. The fundamental goal is to encourage students that are historically underrepresented in the sciences and engineering to take advanced mathematics and science courses throughout high school. To achieve this the program (1) provides challenging experiences that build confidence and a sense of personal achievement; (2) provides career counseling to transition students from middle school to high school; (3) reduces the isolation often experienced by minority students; and (4) initiates follow-up sessions to inspire continued academic excellence.


Program dates: Year-round

Open to: Culturally diverse ninth and tenth graders

Format: Two-year continuing learning experience, including field trips

Open to: Two cohorts of 20 students in ninth and tenth grade

Dr. Joyce Hilliard-Clark
Coordinator of Imhotep Academy
The Science House
Box 8211
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC 27695-8211
Phone: 919/515-6118
Fax: 919/515-7545

The Science House


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