Passive Solar Energy
Active solar heating systems involve installing special equipment that uses energy from the sun to heat or cool existing structures. Passive solar energy systems involve designing the structures themselves in ways that use solar energy for heating and cooling. For example, in this home, a ìsun spaceî serves as a collector in winter when the solar shades are open and as a cooler in summer when the solar shades are closed. Thick concrete walls modulate wide swings in temperature by absorbing heat in winter and insulating in summer. Water compartments provide a thermal mass for storing heat during the day and releasing heat at night.
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se_articleINTRODUCTION ÝSolar Energy, radiant energy produced in the sun as a result of nuclear fusion reactions (see Nuclear Energy; Sun). It is transmitted to the earth through space in quanta of energy called photons (see Electromagnetic Radiation; Photon), which interact with the earthís atmosphere and surface. The strength of solar radiation at the outer edge of the earthís atmosphere when the earth is taken to be at its average distance from the sun is called the solar constant, the mean value of which is 1.37 × 106 ergs per sec per cm2, or about 2 calories per min per cm2. The intensity is not constant, however; it appears to vary by about 0.2 percent in 30 years. The intensity of energy actually available at the earthís surface is less than the solar constant because of absorption and scattering of radiant energy as photons interact with the atmosphere.
The strength of the solar energy available at any point on the earth depends, in a complicated but predictable way, on the day of the year, the time of day, and the latitude of the collection point. Furthermore, the amount of solar energy that can be collected depends on the orientation of the collecting object.
Natural collection of solar energy occurs in the earthís atmosphere, oceans, and plant life. Interactions between the sunís energy, the oceans, and the atmosphere, for example, produce the winds, which have been used for centuries to turn windmills. Modern applications of wind energy use strong, light, weather-resistant aerodynamically designed wind machines that, when attached to generators, produce electricity for local, specialized use or as part of a community or regional network of electric power distribution. See Windmill.
Approximately 30 percent of the solar energy reaching the outer edge of the atmosphere is consumed in the hydrologic cycle, which produces rainfall and the potential energy of water in mountain streams and rivers (see Potential Energy). The power produced by these flowing waters as they pass through modern turbines is called hydroelectric power. See also Dam; Meteorology; Water Supply and Waterworks.
Through the process of photosynthesis, solar energy contributes to the growth of plant life (biomass) that can be used as fuel, including wood and the fossil fuels that are derived from geologically ancient plant life. Fuels such as alcohol or methane can also be extracted from biomass.
The oceans also represent a form of natural collection of solar energy. As a result of the absorption of solar energy in the ocean and ocean currents, temperature gradients occur in the ocean. In some locations, these vertical variations approach 20ƒ C (36ƒ F) over a distance of a few hundred meters. When large masses exist at different temperatures, thermodynamic principles predict that a power-generating cycle can be created to remove energy from the high-temperature mass and transfer a lesser amount of energy to a low-temperature mass (see Thermodynamics). The difference in these two heat energies manifests itself as mechanical energy (for example, output from a turbine), which can be linked with a generator to produce electricity. Such systems, called ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) systems, require enormous heat exchangers and other hardware in the ocean to produce electricity in the megawatt range. See also Ocean and Oceanography.
The direct collection of solar energy involves artificial devices, called solar collectors, that are designed to collect the energy, sometimes through prior focusing of the sunís rays. The energy, once collected, is used in a thermal process or a photoelectric, or photovoltaic, process. In thermal processes, solar energy is used to heat a gas or liquid, which is then stored or distributed. In the photovoltaic process, solar energy is converted directly to electrical energy without intermediate mechanical devices (see Photoelectric Effect). Solar collectors are of two fundamental types: flat plate collectors and concentrating collectors.
A Flat Plate Collectors Ý
In thermal processes, flat plate collectors intercept solar radiation on an absorber plate in which passages for so-called carrier fluid are integral or to which they are attached. The carrier fluid (liquid or air) passing through these flow channels has its temperature increased by heat transfer from the absorber plate (see Heat; Heat Transfer). The energy transferred to the carrier fluid, when divided by the solar energy incident on the collector and expressed as a percentage, is called the instantaneous collector efficiency. Flat plate collectors generally have one or more optically transparent cover plates intended to minimize heat losses from the absorber plate, in an effort to achieve maximum efficiency. Typically, they are capable of heating carrier fluids up to 82ƒ C (180ƒ F) with efficiencies between 40 and 80 percent.
Flat plate collectors have been used efficiently for water and comfort heating. Typical residential applications employ roof-mounted, fixed collectors. In the northern hemisphere, they are oriented in a southerly direction; in the southern hemisphere, they are oriented to face north. The optimum angle at which to mount collectors relative to the horizontal plane depends on the latitude of the installation. Generally, for year-round applications such as providing hot water, collectors are tilted (relative to the horizontal plane) at an angle equal to the latitude angle ± 15ƒ, and are oriented to face true south (or north) within ± 20ƒ.
In addition to the flat plate collectors, typical hot-water and comfort heating systems include circulating pumps, temperature sensors, automatic controllers to activate the circulating pump, and a storage device. Either air or a liquid (water or a water-antifreeze mixture) can be used as the fluid in the solar heating system, and a rock bed or a well-insulated water storage tank typically serves as an energy storage medium.
B Concentrating Collectors Ý
For applications such as air conditioning, central power generation, and numerous industrial heat requirements, flat plate collectors generally cannot provide carrier fluids at temperatures sufficiently elevated to be effective. They may be used as first-stage heat input devices; the temperature of the carrier fluid is then boosted by other conventional heating means. Alternatively, more complex and expensive concentrating collectors can be used. These are devices that optically reflect and focus incident solar energy onto a small receiving area. As a result of this concentration, the intensity of the solar energy is magnified, and the temperatures that can be achieved at the receiver (called the ìtargetî) can approach several hundred or even several thousand degrees Celsius. The concentrators must move to track the sun if they are to perform effectively, and the devices used to achieve this are called heliostats.
C Solar Furnaces Ý
One important high-temperature application of concentrators is for solar furnaces. The largest of these, located at Odeillo in the Pyrenees Mountains of France, uses 9600 reflectors with a total area of approximately 1860 sq m (about 20,000 sq ft) to produce temperatures as high as 4000ƒ C (7200ƒ F). Such furnaces are ideal for research requiring high temperatures and contaminant-free environmentsófor example, materials research.
D Central Receivers Ý
Central electric power generation from solar energy is under development. In the central receiver, or ìpower tower,î concept, an array of reflectors mounted on computer-controlled heliostats reflect and focus the sunís rays onto a water boiler mounted on a tower. The steam thus generated can be used in a conventional power-plant cycle to produce electricity.
E Solar Cooling ÝSolar cooling can be achieved through the use of solar energy as a heat source in an absorption cooling cycle (see Refrigeration). One component of standard absorption cooling systems, called the generator, requires a heat source. Because temperatures in excess of 150ƒ C (300ƒ F) are generally required for the absorption device to perform effectively, concentrating collectors are more suitable than flat plate collectors for cooling applications.
Solar cells made from thin slices of crystalline silicon, gallium arsenide, or other semiconductor materials convert solar radiation directly into electricity. Cells with conversion efficiencies in excess of 30 percent are now available. By connecting large numbers of these cells into modules, the cost of photovoltaic electricity has been reduced to 30 cents per kwh, about twice the rate that the largest U.S. cities were paying for electricity in 1989. Current use of solar cells is limited to remote, unattended low-power devices such as buoys and equipment aboard spacecraft.
V SOLAR ENERGY FROM SPACE ÝA futuristic scheme that has been proposed to produce power on a large scale envisions placing giant solar modules in geosynchronous earth orbit, where energy generated from sunlight would be converted to microwaves and beamed to antennas on earth for reconversion to electric power. To produce as much power as five large nuclear power plants (1 billion watts each) several square miles of solar collectors, weighing 10 million pounds, would have to be assembled in orbit; an earth-based antenna 5 miles in diameter would be required. Smaller systems could be built for remote islands, but the economy of scale suggests advantages to a single large system (see Space Exploration).
Because of the intermittent nature of solar radiation as an energy source, excess solar energy during periods of small demand must be stored in order to meet demands when solar energy availability is insufficient. Besides simple water and rock storage systems, more compact devices that rely on the phase-change characteristics of eutectic salts (salts that melt at low temperatures) can also be used, particularly in cooling applications. Batteries can serve as storage devices for excess electric energy produced from wind or photovoltaic devices (see Battery). A broader concept is the delivery of excess electric energy to existing power networks and the use of these power networks as supplemental sources when solar availability is insufficient. The economics and reliability of such a scheme, however, place limits on this alternative.
Contributed By:
Richard S. Thorsen
Solar Home
In this solar home in Corrales, New Mexico, a flat plate solar collector (lower right) provides energy to heat water pumped by the windmill. The water is stored in large drums on the side of the home.
Tom McHugh/Photo Researchers, Inc.3
Solar Collecting Panels
Panels on a rooftop collect energy from sunlight and convert it directly into electricity. The solar panels contain semiconducting materials. When light strikes the material, electrons move from one layer of the material to another, forming an electric current.
Chinch Gryniewicz/Corbis4
Solar Heating
Flate plate collectors utilize the sunís energy to warm a carrier fluid, which in turn provides usable heat to a household. The carrier fluid, which in this case is water, flows through copper tubing in the solar collector, and in the process absorbs some of the sunís energy. Next, the carrier fluid moves to the heat exchange, where the carrier fluid warms water that is used by the household. Finally, a pump moves the carrier fluid back to the solar collector to repeat the cycle.
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Photovoltaic Cells
In a photovoltaic cell, light excites electrons to move from one layer to another through semi-conductive silicon materials. This produces an electric current.
Walter Rawlings/Robert Harding Picture Library6
Solar Energy
Photovoltaic cells are a means of directly converting radiation from the sun into electricity. These cells, made from thin slices of semiconductor materials, appear to produce significant amounts of energy at little cost. Experiments with photovoltaics continue in Arizonaís desert areas.
Arizona Solar Energy Office7
Solar Maximum Mission
The Solar Maximum Mission Satellite was a scientific satellite designed to study solar radiation. Launched in early 1980, the craft failed later in the year. It was repaired and relaunched by the space shuttle in 1984, collecting information until 1989, when it was destroyed by a solar flare. Information collected by the satellite indicated that the sunís corona experiences an unexpectedly high amount of violent activity related to sunspot cycling. Data also showed that sunspots reduce the amount of solar energy reaching the earthís atmosphere.
THE ENERGY STORYWe use energy to do work. Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains, planes and rockets. Energy warms our homes, cooks our food, plays our music, gives us pictures on television. Energy powers machinery in factories.
Energy is defined as "the ability to do work."
When we eat, our bodies transform the food into energy to do work. When we
run or walk,
we "burn" food energy in our bodies. When we think or read or
write, we are also doing work.
Cars, planes, trollies,
boats and machinery also transform energy into work.
Work means moving something, lifting something, warming something, lighting something. All these are a few of the various types of work. But where does energy come from?
There are many sources of energy. In this guide, we will be looking at the energy that makes our world work. Energy is an important part of our daily lives.
The forms of energy we will look at include:
We will also look at turbines and generators, at what electricity is, how energy is sent to users, and how we can decrease the energy we use.
Chapter 2: What is Electricity?
Chapter 3: Generators, Turbines and Power Plants
Chapter 5: Fossil Fuels -- Coal, Oil and Natural Gas
Chapter 7: Nuclear Energy -- Fission and Fusion
Chapter 11: Electricity Transmission System
Chapter 12: Natural Gas Distribution System
Chapter 13: Energy for Transportation
A car drives by your school or house. It is being powered by gasoline, a type of stored energy.
Our bodies eat food, which has energy in it. We use that food to play or study.
Energy makes everything happen. Energy can be divided into two different types, depending on whether the energy is moving or stored.
Energy that is stored is called potential energy.
Energy that is moving is called kinetic energy.
If you have a pencil on your desk, try this example that shows the
two different types of energy.
Put the pencil at the side of the desk and push it off to the floor. The pencil is moving and is using kinetic energy.
Now, pick the pencil back up and put it back on the desk. You used your own energy to lift and move the pencil. Moving it higher than the floor adds energy to it. As it rests on the desk, it has potential energy. The higher it is, the further it could fall, so the pencil has more potential energy the higher you raise it.
If you have a rubber band, stretch it out. The stretched rubber band has potential energy. If you let it go, it moves and has kinetic energy. Just don't shoot anyone with the rubber band!
Energy is measured in a couple of different ways.
One of the basic measuring blocks is called a Btu. This stands for British thermal unit.
Btu is defined as the amount of heat energy it takes to raise the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit, at sea level.
One Btu equals about:
Energy can also be measured in joules. Joules sounds the same way as
the word jewels, like diamonds and emeralds. It takes 1,000 joules to equal a
British thermal unit. So:
1,000 joules = 1 BtuSo, it would take 2 million joules to make a pot of coffee.
Joule is named
after an English physicist named James Prescott Joule (pictured on the left) who
lived from 1818 to 1889. He discovered that heat is a type of energy.
One joule is the amount of energy needed to lift one pound about nine inches.
Around the world, scientists measure energy in joules rather than Btus. It's much like people around the world using the metric system, meters and kilograms, instead of the English system of feet and pounds.
Like in the metric system, you can have kilojoules -- "kilo" means 1,000.
1,000 joules = 1 kilojoule = 1 Btu
Stored energy in a flashlight's batteries becomes light energy when turned on.
Food contains energy stored as chemical potential energy. Your body uses the stored energy to do work, kinetic energy.
If you overeat, the food's energy is stored as potential energy in fat.
When you talk on the phone, your voice is changed to electrical energy. The phone on the other end changes the electrical energy into sound energy.
A car uses stored chemical energy in gasoline to move. The engine changes the chemical energy into heat and kinetic energy to power the car.
A toaster changes electrical energy into heat energy.
A television changes electrical energy into light and sound energy.
Heat energy moves in three ways:
Metals are excellent conductors of heat energy. Other things like wood or plastics are not good conductors of heat energy. These "bad" conductors are called insulators. That's why a pan is usually made of metal and the handle is made of a strong plastic.
Convection is the movement of gases or liquids from a
cooler spot to a warmer spot. If the soup pan above was made of glass, we could
see the movement of convection currents in the pan. The warmer soup moves up
from the heated area at the bottom of the pan to the top where it is cooler. The
cooler soup then moves to take the warmer soup's place. The movement is in a
circular pattern within the pan (see picture above).
Wind is often caused
by convection currents. During the daytime, cool air from over water moves to
replace the warm air over land that rises. During the nighttime, the directions
changes and the water is warmer and the land is cooler.
Radiation is the final form of movement of heat energy. The sun's light and heat cannot reach us by conduction or convention because space is almost completely empty. There is nothing to transfer the energy from the sun to the earth. The sun's rays travel in straight lines called heat rays. When it moves like that, it is called radiation.
When the sun light hits the earth, its radiation is absorbed or reflected. Darker surfaces absorb more of the radiation and lighter surfaces reflect the radiation. So, if you wear light or white clothes outside during the summer, you would be cooler.
But that energy from the wall socket comes from someplace else. It comes to your house through electrical wires. How does electrical energy come through a solid wire? The wire is not like an empty garden hose that water flows through. How does it get from power plants to your house?
You'll remember in Chapter 1 that energy can be conducted. Heat energy was conducted from the heat through the soup pan to the soup. Electricity is the conduction (or transfer) of energy from one place to another. The electricity is the "flow" of energy.
All matter is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of
smaller particles, one of which is the electron. Electrons spin around the
center, or nucleus, of atoms, just like the moon around the earth.
The nucleus is made up of neutrons and protons. Electrons have a charge, a negative charge. Protons have a positive charge and neutrons are neutral or have neither a positive nor a negative charge.
Some kinds of atoms have electrons that are loosely attached. They can easily be made to move from one atom to another. When those electrons move among the atoms of matter, a current of electricity is created.
This is what happens in a
piece of wire. The electrons are passed from atom to atom, creating an
electrical current from one end to the other, just like in the picture to the
Electricity flows through some things better than others. How well something conducts electricity is measured by its resistance. Resistance in wire depends on how thick it is, how long it is, and what it's made of. The lower the resistance of a wire, the better it conducts electricity.
Copper is used in many wires because it has a lower resistance than many other metals. The wires in your walls, inside your lamps, and elsewhere are mostly copper.
The electric force that "pushes" electrons is measured in volts. American homes use 110 volts of electric power for regular appliances. Larger appliances, like a clothes dryer or stove, use 220 volts. Some countries use 220 volts for all of their appliances and electric devices.
Batteries contain stored
chemical energy. When the chemicals react with each other, they produce an
electrical charge. This charge changes into electrical energy when the battery
is connected in a circuit.
Along the circuit you can have a light bulb and on-off switch. The light bulb changes the electrical energy into light and heat energy.
You can have a heating element. When the electricity flows, the resistance causes friction and the friction causes heat. The higher the resistance, the hotter it can get. So, a coiled wire that is high in resistance, like the wire in a hair dryer, can heat up.
You can also have a motor. A motor works using electromagnetism. It has a coiled up wire that sits between the north and south poles of a magnet. When current flows through the coil, another magnet field is produced. The north pole of the fixed magnet attracts the south pole of the coiled wire. The two north poles push away, or repulse, each other. The motor is set up so that this attraction and repulsion spins the center section with the coiled wire.
One other type of electrical energy is static electricity. Unlike current electricity that moves, static electricity stays in one place.
Try this
Rub a balloon on a wool sweater or on your hair. Then hold it up to a wall. The balloon will stay there by itself.
Now rub two balloons, hold them by strings at the end and put them next to each other. They'll move apart.
Rubbing the balloons gives them static electricity. When you rub the balloon it picks up extra electrons from the sweater or your hair and becomes slightly negatively charged.
The negative charges in the single balloon are attracted to the positive charges in the wall.
The two balloons hanging by strings both have negative charges. Negative charges always repel negative charges and positive always repels positive charges. So, the two balloons' negative charges "push" each other apart.
Static electricity can also give you a shock. If you walk across a carpet, shuffling your feet and touch something metal, a spark can jump between you and the metal object. Shuffling your feet picks up additional electrons that are spread over your body. When you touch a metal door knob or something with a positive charge the electricity jumps across the small gap from your fingers just before you touch the metal knob. If you walk across a carpet and touch a computer's case, you can damage a computer. So if you walk across a room always touch something else before touching a computer.
One other type of static electricity can be seen during a thunder and lightning storm. Clouds become charged as ice crystals inside the clouds rub up against each other. The clouds get so highly charged that the electrons jump between the cloud and the ground, or to another cloud. This causes a huge spark, called lightning.
In this chapter, we'll learn how electricity is generated in a power plant. In the next few chapters, we'll learn about the various resources that are used to make the heat to produce electricity. In Chapter 11, we'll learn how the electricity gets from the power plant to homes, school and businesses.
Most power plants are big boilers that burn a fuel to make heat. That heat energy is used to boil water to make steam. The steam is fed under high pressure to a turbine. The turbine spins and its shaft is connected to a turbogenerator that changes the mechanical spinning energy into electricity.
Lets look at a cross section of a power plant.
In most boilers, wood, coal, oil or natural gas is burned to make
heat. Above that hot fire is a series of pipes with water running through them.
The heat energy is conducted into the metal pipes, heating the water until it
boils into steam. Water boils into steam at 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100
degrees Celsius. The steam (red line) then goes under high pressure to the
The turbine has many blades that look like the blades of a fan. When the steam hits the blades they spin a shaft that is attached to the bottom of the blades.
After the steam goes through the turbine, it goes to a cooling tower (orange line) where it cools off. It cools off and becomes water again. When the hot pipes come into contact with cool air, some water vapor in the air is heated and steam is given off above the cooling towers. This is not the same steam that is used inside the turbine.
The cooled water then goes back into the boiler (blue line) where it is heated again and the process repeats over and over.
power plants in California use cleaner-burning natural gas to produce
Other power plants use nuclear energy to heat water to make electricity. Still others use steam or hot water found naturally below the earth's surface without burning a fuel. We'll learn about those energy sources in the next few chapters.
The turbine is attached by its shaft to the turbogenerator. The generator has a giant magnet inside a stationary ring wrapped with a long wire.
The shaft that comes out of the turbine and
connected to the generator is turning. As the magnet inside the generator turns,
an electric current is produced in the wire.
When a wire or any electrically conductive material moves across a magnetic field, an electric current is produced in that wire.
A generator is just like a "reverse" electric motor. Instead of using electrical energy to spin the motor and wheels, like in an electric toy car, the shaft from the turbines spins the motor and electricity is produced.
The electricity then goes to huge transmission wires that
link the power plants to our homes, school and businesses. If you want to learn
about transmission lines, go to Chapter 11.
you ever cut a boiled egg in half without peeling the shell? The egg is what the
earth looks like inside. The yellow yolk of the egg is like the core of the
earth. The white part is the mantle of the earth. And the thin shell of the egg
is like the earth's crust.
Below the crust of the earth, the top layer of the mantle is hot, liquid rock called magma. The crust of the earth floats on this liquid magma mantle. When magma breaks through the surface of the earth in a volcano, it is called lava.
For every 100 meters
you go below ground, the temperature of the rock increases about 3 degrees
Celsius. Or for every 328 feet below ground, the temperature increases 5.4
degrees Fahrenheit.
Deep under the surface, water sometimes makes its way close to the hot rock and turns into hot water or into steam. The hot water can reach temperatures of more than 300 degrees Fahrenheit or 148 degrees Celsius. This is hotter than boiling water.
When this hot water comes up through a crack in the earth, we call it a geyser or hot spring like the one to the right. Sometimes people use the hot water in swimming pools or in health spas.
The hot water from below the ground can warm buildings, like the green house on
the right, for growing plants.
In some places, like in San Bernardino in Southern California, hot water from below ground is used to heat buildings during the winter. The hot water runs through miles of insulated pipes to dozens of public buildings. The City Hall, animal shelters, retirement homes, state agencies, a hotel and convention center are some of the buildings which are heated this way.
In Iceland, many of the buildings and even swimming pools in the capital of Reykjavik and elsewhere are heated with geothermal hot water. The country has at least 25 active volcanoes, and many hot springs and geysers.
In California, there are 14 areas where we use geothermal energy to make
electricity. The red areas on the map show where there are known geothermal
areas. Some are not used yet because the resource is too small, too isolated or
the water temperatures are not hot enough to make electricity.
The main spots are:
Some of the areas have so much steam and hot water that it can be used to
generate electricity. Holes are drilled into the ground and pipes lowered into
the hot water, like a drinking straw in a soda. The hot steam or water comes up
through these pipes from below ground.
You can see the pipes running to the geothermal power plants in the picture at the right. These power plants are located in the Geysers Geothermal area of California.
Like in a regular power plant, where a fuel is burned to heat water into steam, the steam in a geothermal power plant goes into a special turbine. The turbine blades spin and the shaft from the turbine is connected to a generator to make electricity. The steam then gets cooled off in a cooling tower.
The white "smoke" rising from the plants in the picture is not smoke. It is steam given off in the cooling process. The cooled water can then be pumped back below ground to be reheated by the earth.
California's geothermal power plants produce about one-half of the world's geothermally generated electricity. The geothermal power plants produce enough electricity for about two million homes.
The electricity then goes to huge transmission wires that
link the power plants to our homes, school and businesses. If you want to learn
about transmission lines, go to Chapter 11.
Fossil fuels are made up of decomposed plant and animal matter. Plants change energy they receive from the sun into stored energy. This energy is food used by the plant. This is called photosynthesis. Animals eat plants to make energy. And people eat animals and plants to get energy to do work.
When plants and other ancient creatures died, they decomposed and became buried, layer upon layer under the ground. It took millions of years to form these layers into a hard, black colored rock-like substance called coal, a thick liquid called oil or petroleum, and natural gas. Fossil fuels can be found under the earth in many locations around the country. In California, we have oil and natural gas resources.
Each of the fossil fuels is extracted out of the ground differently.
Coal used in power plants is not found in California but is abundant in other states. It is mined in deep mines or in strip mines closer to the surface and brought to California to power a few small power plants.
Oil is found in 18 of the 58 counties in California. Kern County, the County where Bakersfield is found, is one of the largest oil production places in the country. But we only get one-half of our oil from California wells. The rest comes from Alaska, and a small amount comes from other countries. This oil is brought to California by large tanker ships. The petroleum or crude oil must be changed or refined into other products before it can be used.
Oil is stored in large
tanks until it is sent to various places to be used.
Oil is also made into many different products -- fertilizers for farms, the clothes you wear, the toothbrush you use, the plastic bottle that holds your milk, the plastic pen that you write with. They all came from oil.
There are thousands of other products that come from oil. Almost all plastic comes originally from oil. Can you think of some things made from oil?
At oil refineries, crude oil is split into various types of products by heating the thick black oil.
The products include gasoline, diesel fuel, aviation fuel, home heating oil, oil for ships and oil to burn in power plants to make electricity.
But in California, 74 percent of our oil is used for
transportation -- cars, planes, trucks, buses and motorcycles. We'll learn more
about transportation energy in Chapter 13.
Natural gas is lighter than air. Natural gas is mostly made up of a gas called methane. Methane is a simple chemical compound that is made up of carbon and hydrogen atoms. It's chemical formula is CH4. This gas is highly flammable.
Natural gas is usually found near petroleum underground. The natural gas is pumped from below ground and sent in large pipelines like the ones to the right.
Natural gas usually has no odor and you can't see it. Before it is sent to the pipelines and storage tanks, it is mixed with a chemical that gives a strong odor. The odor smells almost like rotten eggs. The odor makes it easy to smell if there is a leak.
From the storage tanks natural gas is sent through underground pipes to your home to cook your food and heat your house. Natural gas is also sent to factories and to power plants to make electricity. We'll learn more about the pipelines in California in Chapter 12.
So, it's best to not waste fossil fuels. They are not renewable; they can't really be made again.
We can save fossil fuels by conserving energy.
We'll learn more about saving energy in Chapter 14.
For hundreds of years, moving water was used to turn wooden wheels that were attached to grinding wheels to grind flour or corn. Today, moving water can also be used to make electricity.
Hydro means water. Hydro-electric means making electricity from
water power.
Hydroelectric power uses the kinetic energy of moving water to make electricity. Dams can be built to stop the flow of a river. Water behind a dam often forms a reservoir. Dams are also built across larger rivers but no reservoir is made. The river is simply sent through a hydroelectric power plant.
The water flows through a pipe called a penstock and pushes against blades in a turbine, causing them to turn. The turbine is similar to the kind used in a power plant that we learned about in Chapter 3. But instead of using steam to turn the turbine, water is used.
The turbine spins a generator to produce electricity. The electricity can then go to your home, to your school, to factories and businesses.
Hydro power today can be found in the mountainous areas of California where there are reservoirs and along major rivers.
Matter can be changed into energy. The famous scientist Albert Einstein created the mathematical formula that explains this. It is:
E [energy] equals m [mass] times c2 [c stands for the speed of light. c2 means c times c, or the speed of light raised to the second power -- or c-squared.]
Please note that some web browser software may not show an exponent (raising something to a power, a mathematical expression) on the Internet. Normally c-squared is shown with a smaller "2" placed above and to the right of the c.
Scientists used
Einstein's famous equation as the key to unlock atomic energy and also create
atomic bombs.
The ancient Greeks said the smallest part of nature is an atom. But they did not know 2,000 years ago about nature's even smaller parts.
As we learned in chapter 2, atoms are made up of smaller particles -- a nucleus of protons and neutrons, surrounded by electrons which swirl around the nucleus much like the earth revolves around the sun.
A nuclear power plant
(like Diablo Canyon Nuclear Plant shown on the right) uses uranium as a "fuel."
Uranium is an element that is dug out of the ground many places around the
world. It is processed into tiny pellets that are loaded into very long rods
that are put into the power plant's reactor.
Inside the reactor of an atomic power plant, uranium atoms are split apart in a controlled chain reaction.
In a chain reaction, particles released by the splitting of the atom go off and strike other uranium atoms splitting those. Those particles given off split still other atoms in a chain reaction. In nuclear power plants, control rods are used to keep the splitting regulated so it doesn't go too fast.
If the reaction is not controlled, you could have an atomic bomb. But in atomic bombs, almost pure pieces of the element Uranium-235 or Plutonium, of a precise mass and shape, must be brought together and held together, with great force. These conditions are not present in a nuclear reactor.
The reaction also creates radioactive material. This material could hurt people if released, so it is kept in a solid form. The very strong concrete dome in the picture is designed to keep this material inside if an accident happens.
This chain reaction gives off heat energy. This heat energy is used to boil water in the core of the reactor. So, instead of burning a fuel, nuclear power plants use the chain reaction of atoms splitting to change the energy of atoms into heat energy.
This water from around the nuclear core is sent to another section of the power plant. Here it heats another set of pipes filled with water to make steam. The steam in this second set of pipes powers a turbine to generate electricity.
Learn more about nuclear fission by visiting other web sites:
In the picture to the right, two types of hydrogen atoms, deuterium and tritium, combine to make a helium atom and an extra particle called a neutron.
Also given off in this fusion reaction is energy! Thanks to the University of California, Berkeley for the picture.
Scientists have been working on controlling nuclear fusion for a long time, trying to make a fusion reactor to produce electricity. But they have been having trouble learning how to control the reaction in a contained space.
What's better about nuclear fusion is that it creates less radioactive material than fission, and its supply of fuel can last longer than the sun.
You can learn more about nuclear fusion by visiting other locations on the Internet. The locations are:
There are three basic ways to tap the ocean for its energy. We can use the ocean's waves, we can use the ocean's high and low tides, or we can use temperature differences in the water. Let's take a look at each.
When the wave goes down, air flows through the turbine and back into the chamber through doors that are normally closed.
This is only one type of wave-energy system. Others actually use the up and down motion of the wave to power a piston that moves up and down inside a cylinder. That piston can also turn a generator.
Most wave-energy systems are very small. But, they can be used to power a warning buoy or a small light house.
In order for this to work well, you need large increases in tides. An increase of at least 16 feet between low tide to high tide is needed. There are only a few places where this tide change occurs around the earth. Some power plants are already operating using this idea. One plant in France makes enough energy from tides to power 240,000 homes.
Power plants can be built that use this difference in temperature to make energy. A difference of at least 38 degrees Fahrenheit is needed between the warmer surface water and the colder deep ocean water.
Using this type of energy source is called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion or OTEC. It is being used in both Japan and in Hawaii in some demonstration projects.
Related web site:ÝÝ Converting
Wave Energy into Electricity
The sun has always been an energy source.
Plants use the sun's light to make food. Animals eat plants for food.
And as we found out earlier, decaying plants and animals millions of years ago produced the coal, oil and natural gas that we use today.
So, fossil fuels actually got their start as sunlight many millions of years ago.
The sun can also be used to heat water for hot water in our homes and businesses.
Many homes used solar
water heaters. In 1897, 30 percent of the homes in Pasadena, just east of Los
Angeles, were equipped with solar water heaters. As mechanical improvements were
made, solar systems were used in Arizona, Florida and many other sunny parts of
the United States.
By 1920, thousands of solar water heaters had been sold. But by then, large deposits of oil and natural gas were discovered in the western United States. As these low cost fuels became available, solar systems began to be replaced with heaters using fossil fuels.
Today, solar water heaters are making a come back. There are more than half a million of them in California alone! They heat water for use inside homes and businesses. They also heat swimming pools like in the picture.
Panels on the roof of a building, like this one on the right, contain water pipes. When the sun hits the panels and the pipes, the sunlight warms them.
That warmed water can then be used in a swimming pool.
Some solar power plants, like the one in the picture to the right in California's Mojave Desert, use a highly curved mirror called a parabolic trough to focus the sunlight on a pipe running down a central point above the curve of the mirror. The mirror focusses the sunlight to strike the pipe, and it gets so hot that it can boil water into steam. That steam can then be used to turn a turbine to make electricity.
In California's Mojave desert, there are huge rows solar mirrors arranged in what's called "solar thermal power plants" that use this idea to make electricity for more than 350,000 homes. The problem with solar energy is that it works only when the sun is shining. So, on cloudy days and at night, the power plants can't create energy. Some solar plants, are a hybrid technology. During the daytime they use the sun. At night they use natural gas to boil the water so they can continue to make electricity.
Another form of solar power plants to make electricity is called a Central Tower
Power Plant, like the one to the right.
Sunlight is reflected off 1,800 mirrors circling the tall tower. The mirrors are called heliostats and turn to face the sun all day long.
The light is reflected back to the top of the tower in the center of the circle where a fluid is turned very hot by the sun's rays. That fluid can be used to boil water to make steam to turn a turbine and a generator.
This experimental power plant is called Solar II. It is being re-built in California's desert using newer technologies than when it was first built in the early 1980s. Solar II will use the sunlight to change heat into mechanical energy in the turbine.
The power plant will make enough electricity to power about 10,000 homes. Scientists say larger central tower power plants will be able to make electricity for 100,000 to 200,000 homes.
Solar cells are also called photovoltaic cells -- or PV cells for short -- and can be found on many small appliances, like calculators, and even on spacecraft. They were first developed in the 1950s for use on U.S. space satellites. They are made of silicon, a special type of melted sand.
When sunlight strikes the solar cell, electrons (red circles) are knocked loose. They move toward the treated front surface (dark blue color). An electron imbalance is created between the front and back. When the two surfaces are joined by a connector, like a wire, a current of electricity occurs between the negative and positive sides.
individual solar cells are arranged together in a PV module. Some of the modules
are set on special tracking devices to follow sunlight all day long.
The electrical energy from solar cells can then be used directly. It can be used in a home for lights and appliances. It can be used in a business. Solar energy can be stored in batteries to light a roadside billboard at night. Or the energy can be stored in a battery for an emergency roadside cellular telephone when no telephone wires are around.
Some experimental cars also use PV cells. They convert sunlight directly into energy to power electric motors on the car.
The kinetic energy of the wind can be changed into other forms of energy, either mechanical energy or electrical energy.
When a boat lifts a sail, it is using wind energy to push it through the water. This is one form of work.
Farmers have been using wind energy for many years to pump water from wells using windmills like the one on the right.
In Holland, windmills have been used for centuries to pump water from low-lying areas.
Wind is also used to turn large grinding stones to grind wheat or corn, just like a water wheel is turned by water power.
Today, the wind is also used to make electricity.
Blowing wind
spins the blades on a wind turbine -- just like a large toy pinwheel. The blades
are attached to a hub that is mounted on a turning shaft. The shaft goes through
a gear transmission box where the turning speed is increased. The transmission
is attached to a high speed shaft which turns a generator that makes
If the wind gets too high, the turbine has a brake that will keep the blades from turning and being damaged.
We have many windy areas in California. The only problem with wind is that it is not windy all year long. It is usually windier during the summer months when wind rushes inland from cooler areas, like the ocean to replace hot rising air in California's warm central valleys and deserts.
And wind speeds must be above 12 to 14 miles per hour to turn the turbines fast
enough to generate electricity. The turbines usually produce about 50 to 300
kilowatts of electricity each. A kilowatt is 1,000 watts (kilo means 1,000). You
can light ten 100 watt light bulbs with 1,000 watts. So, a 300 kilowatt (300,000
watts) wind turbine could light up 3,000 light bulbs that use 100 watts.
As of 1995, there were 13,437 wind turbines in California. These turbines are grouped together in what are called wind "farms." Theses wind farms are located mostly in the three windiest areas of the state:
But once electricity is made, it has to get from the wind turbines to our homes, factories and schools. The electricity transmission system is discussed in our next chapter.
This stuff nobody seems to want can be used to produce electricity, heat, compost material or fuels. Composting material is decayed plant or food products mixed together in a compost pile and spread to help plants grow.
California tops the nation in the use and development of biomass technologies. Imagine -- each year, more than 1.4 trillion pounds -- a lot -- of biomass is burned to produce electricity. This cuts back on the need for other energy sources.
Biomass produces about 2.77 percent of all of California's electricity. That's enough electricity to light a city the size of San Diego.
Using biomass does not add to global warming. Plants use and store carbon dioxide when they grow. This is then released when the plant material is burned. So using biomass closes this cycle of storing carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a gas that, when there's too much, can contribute to the "greenhouse effect" and global warming.
Biomass can be recycled and made into other products such as paper and fertilizer. Because biomass is reused and recycled, less garbage is sent to the dump. Less land is needed for "landfills" to hold the garbage.
And the use of biomass is environmentally friendly because the biomass is reduced, recycled and then reused. Today, many new ways of using are still being discovered. One way is to produce ethanol, an alcohol fuel for cars. Anotherway is to change biomass to combustible gases for electricity production.
The wood or biomass pellets you burn in a wood stove are other examples of using biomass to produce heat energy for your home.
Related web sites:ÝÝ Biomass - the growing
energy resource
But many of the other forms of energy we use in our homes and cars are not being replenished. Fossil fuels took millions of years to create. They cannot be made over night.
And there are finite or limited amounts of these non-renewable energy sources. That means they cannot be renewed or replenished. Once they are gone they cannot be used again. So, we must all do our part in saving as much energy as we can.
In your home, you can save energy by turning off appliances, TVs and radios that are not being used, watched or listened to.
You can turn off lights when no one is in the room.
putting insulation in walls and attics, we can reduce the amount of energy it
takes to heat or cool our homes.
Insulating a home is like putting on a sweater or jacket when we're cold...instead of turning up the heat.
The outer layers trap the heat inside, keeping it nice and warm.
To make all of our newspapers, aluminum cans, plastic bottles and
other goods takes lots of energy.
these items -- grinding them up and reusing the material again -- uses less
energy than it takes to make them from brand new, raw material.
So, we must all recycle as much as we can.
We can also save energy in our cars and trucks.
Make sure the tires are properly inflated.
A car that is tuned up, has clean air and oil filters, and is running right will use less gasoline.
Don't over-load a car. For every extra 100 pounds, you cut your mileage by one mile per gallon.
When your parents buy a new car, tell them to compare the fuel efficiency of different models and buy a car that gets higher miles per gallon.
You can also save energy in your school.
Each week you can choose an energy monitor who will make sure energy is being used properly.
The energy monitor will turn off the lights during recess and after class.
You can make "Turn It Off" signs for hanging above the light switches to remind yourself.
You can start an Energy Patrol in your school. Click the words Energy Patrol to go to another location in our Internet site that tells you how to set one up in your school.
You can make sure
your classmates recycle all aluminum cans and plastic bottles, and make sure the
library is recycling the newspapers and the school is recycling its paper.
To make sure
we have plenty of energy in the future, it's up to all of us to use energy
We must all conserve energy and use it efficiently. It also up to those of you who will want to create the new energy technologies of the future.
One of you might be another Albert Einstein and find a new source of energy. It's up to all of us. The future is ours but we need energy to get there.
Related web sites:ÝÝ Generating New Ideas for
Meeting Future Energy Needs
Solar energy is produced through the use of solar cells. A solar, or photovoltaic, cell is a device that converts direct sunlight into electricity. The cells consist of two layers of material. One is treated to make it negative (n-type), and the other is treated to make it positive (p-type). The area where the two layers touch is called the p-n junction. As sunlight penetrates to the p-n junction, positive and negative charges from the two layers cross the junction, creating a flow of electric current. Diagram Then the energy is stored by batteries for future use. 25
The student will do the following:
Time: 3 class periods (over 2 weeks)
Materials: student sheets (included)
A list of all the energy-using appliances and equipment in an average American home would show why it is estimated that a well-equipped home consumes as much as 35,000,000 British thermal units (BTU) of energy each year to operate. Considering that much of this energy is wasted, a great opportunity for energy conservation exists.
The first step toward conservation is to gain a better understanding of the energy consumption of each appliance or piece of equipment. An appliance's wattage is an indicator of how much electricity is used while operating the appliance. An appliance requiring 1,000 watts would use one kilowatt-hour of electricity during one hour of operation. For example, the average mixer uses 127 watts. This 127 watts divided by 1000 watts/kilowatt-hour of operation equals 0.127 kilowatt-hour. If the mixer is used for 6 minutes, 0.0127 kilowatt-hour of electricity has been used.
Wattage Ratings
Student Sheet
Check four different appliances for their wattage ratings. Using the conversion to kilowatt-hours(kWh) calculate the electricity usage for each appliance.
Appliance: ____________
watts/1000 watts/kWh per hour of operation = ____________ kWh
Appliance: ____________
watts/1000 watts/kWh per hour of operation = ____________kWh
Appliance: ____________
watts/1000 watts/kWh per hour of operation = ____________kWh
Appliance: ____________
watts/1000 watts/kWh per hour of operation = ____________kWh
Appliance: ____________
watts/1000 watts/kWh per hour of operation = ____________kWh
Using the table below, see how much energy the appliances you checked consume in equivalents of oil or coal.
Appliance Wattage Rating |
Kilowatt-hours of Electricity Used per Hour |
Ounces of Oil Burned per Hour |
Ounces of Coal Burned per Hour | ||||
10 | 0.01Ý | 0.01Ý | 0.13 | ||||
25 | 0.025 | 0.025 | 0.33 | ||||
40 | 0.04Ý | 0.4ÝÝ | 0.5Ý | ||||
60 | 0.06Ý | 0.6ÝÝ | 0.8Ý | ||||
100 | 0.1ÝÝ | 1ÝÝÝ | 1.33 | ||||
150 | 0.15Ý | 1.5ÝÝ | 2ÝÝ | ||||
200 | 0.2ÝÝ | 2ÝÝÝ | 2.66 | ||||
300 | 0.3ÝÝ | 3ÝÝÝ | 4ÝÝ | ||||
500 | 0.5ÝÝ | 5ÝÝÝ | 6.66 | ||||
750 | 0.75Ý | 7.5ÝÝ | 10ÝÝ | ||||
1000 | 1ÝÝÝ | 10ÝÝÝ | 13.33 | ||||
1500 | 1.5ÝÝ | 15ÝÝÝ | 20ÝÝ | ||||
2000 | 2ÝÝÝ | 20ÝÝÝ | 26.66 | ||||
5000 | 5ÝÝÝ | 50ÝÝÝ | 66.66 | ||||
10000 | 10ÝÝÝ | 100ÝÝÝ | 133.33 |
Appliance Energy Use
Think about burning ten 100-watt light bulbs for one hour. That's the amount of electricity equivalent to one kilowatt-hour. Just as you pay for gallons of gas, quarts of milk, and loaves of bread, you pay for kilowatt-hours of electricity.
The chart below shows the average number of kilowatt-hours of electricity that various appliances use.* If you are interested in how much it costs to operate one of these appliances for a month or a year contact your local utilities company.
Average KWH Used | ||
Kitchen Appliances | Annually | Monthly |
Range w/self-cleaning oven | 1224 | 102 |
Range w/oven | 1152 | 96 |
Microwave oven | 300 | 25 |
Frying pan | 190 | 16 |
Coffee maker | 110 | 9 |
Toaster | 40 | 3 |
Mixer | 10 | 1 |
Food disposer | 30 | 3 |
Dishwasher | 1560* | 130 |
Refrigerator/freezer 16-25 cu ft side-by-side model, automatic defrost |
2160 | 180 |
Refrigerator/freezer 14 cu ft automatic defrost |
1800 | 150 |
Refrigerator/freezer 17 cu ft, 2-door, high efficiency, automatic defrost |
1200 | 100 |
Freezer, 15 cu ft automatic defrost | 1800 | 150 |
Freezer, 15 cu ft manual defrost | 1200 | 100 |
Laundry Appliances | ||
Clothes dryer | 1000 | 83 |
Clothes washer | 624** | 52 |
Hand iron | 150 | 13 |
Other Appliances | ||
Quick recovery water heater | 5400*** | 450 |
Vacuum cleaner | 50 | 4 |
Clock | 18 | 2 |
Toothbrush | 0.5 | 0.04 |
Entertainment Appliances | ||
Color TV | 660 | 55 |
Tube Type | 440 | 37 |
Solid State | 440 | 37 |
B&W TV | ||
Tube Type | 350 | 29 |
Solid State | 120 | 10 |
Radio/phonograph | 110 | 9 |
Comfort Appliances | ||
Electric furnace | 13200***** | (Seasonal) |
Heat pump | 6600**** | (Seasonal) |
Air conditioner, Central, per ton | 15000***** | (Seasonal) |
Air conditioner, Room, one ton | 15000 | (Seasonal) |
Dehumidifier | 400 | 33 |
Electric Blanket | 150 | (Seasonal) |
Attic fan | 300 | (Seasonal) |
Ceiling fan | 130* | (Seasonal) |
* These figures are
averages and will vary depending on the user's habits and lifestyle.
** Includes kWh for heating water used by appliance.
*** This value accounts for all hot water usage, including dish washing and clothes washing.
**** Heat only.
***** Based on 1,500 sq. ft house insulated to meet TVA standards for energy efficiency. If your house does not meet these standards it may use considerable more electricity during the heating and cooling seasons.
How to Read Your Meter
In order to read an electric meter you must read from left to right. You must also determine which way the hands are turning on each dial.
The 1 is to the left side of the dial. This would indicate the hand is turning counter-clockwise. | |
Here the 1 is the right side of the dial, indicating the hands turns clockwise. |
Write down the number each hand has passed. This may not be the number nearest the hand. For instance, if the hand has passed the 4 and is almost to the 5, you still read it as 4. Write down the numbers in the same order as you read the dials from left to right.
In the example given, the reading is 46372. If the last reading was 45109, subtract 45109 from 46372. This will give you the number of kWh used.
That is all there is to reading a meter, with one exception. If a hand points straight at a number and you do not know if it has passed the number or not, then look at the dial to the right. Has its hand passed zero?
To analyze your family's electricity use, read your meter daily for about two weeks, at approximately the same time each day. Record the readings on the following table.
COST (kWh X____*) |
1.Ý Ý Ý ÝÝ Ý Ý ÝÝ ÝÝÝ | ||||
2. | ||||
3. | ||||
4. | ||||
5. | ||||
6. | ||||
7. | ||||
8. | ||||
9. | ||||
10. | ||||
11. | ||||
12. | ||||
13. | ||||
14. |
* Current kWh cost; e.g. $0.056 per kWh in 1990. MAKING CHOICES
Pretend that the government has announced that, because of an energy crisis, electricity will be rationed. According to a new regulation, homeowners will be permitted to own and use no more than 12 electrical items other than lighting and heating/air conditioning systems. Listed below are a variety of items, which use electricity and are often found in American homes. Choose the 12 items you feel would be most essential to you and rank them from 1 to 12 (1 being the most important, 12 the least). Be prepared to defend your choices.
____Television | ____Electric can opener |
____Automatic coffeepot | ____Makeup mirror |
____Dishwasher | ____Waffle iron |
____Blender | ____Vacuum cleaner |
____Electric mixer | ____Fan |
____Electric shaver | ____Sewing machine |
____Electric clock | ____Water heater |
____Curlers/curling iron | ____Stereo |
____Electric typewriter | ____Electric stove |
____Microwave oven | ____Toaster oven |
____Telephone answering machine | ____Freezer |
____Electric blanket | ____Computer |
____Garbage disposal | ____VCR |
____Refrigerator | ____Iron |
____Washer/dryer | ____Griddle |
____Food processor | ____Crock pot |
____Electric knife | ____Power tools |
____Toaster | ____Hair dryer |
There has been considerable interest recently in the topic of renewable energy. This is primarily due to concerns about environmental damage (especially acid rain and global warming) resulting from the burning of nonrenewable fossil fuels. However, investing in renewable energy is controversial for several reasons. First, not all scientists agree on the degree of environmental damage that can be attributed to fossil fuels. Second, fossil fuels are relatively abundant and cheap energy sources, and have contributed significantly to economic growth. Abandoning inexpensive fossil fuels for more expensive renewable ones will have major economic ramifications. Your students will enjoy analyzing this interesting and controversial topic.
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, students will:
1. Learn to examine an energy/environmental issue using a five-step, decision-making model.
2. Explain basic facts about various renewable energy sources.
3. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of renewable energy sources.
4. Explain basic economic concepts used to analyze energy issues.
5. Understand that public policy decisions involve trade-offs among social goals.
Unit Outline
I. Facts about Renewable Energy
II. Renewable Energy Vocabulary
III. Teaching Activities
A. Teacher Instructions
B. Specific Activities
1. Renewable Energy Basics
2. Graphing Energy Facts
3. Trends in Research and Development (R & D) Spending
4. Energy Efficiency
5. Further Investigation
6. Debating the Issues
7. EEE Actions: You Can Make a Difference!
8. Case Study
C. Answers to Selected Teaching Activities
In the 1970s and early 1980s, there was great national interest in energy policy and energy conservation. This was primarily due to the huge increase in the price of oil, caused by reductions in oil supplies as a result of the OPEC oil embargo in 1973 and the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. The higher price for oil spurred private and governmental development of renewable energy sources such as, solar power, wind, geothermal, and biomass. In the late 1980s, however, the national commitment to renewable energy waned as the price of oil plummeted. Neither the government, nor consumers, were willing to invest in more costly renewable energy sources and programs when nonrenewable fossil fuels were so inexpensive.
In recent years, there has been a greater interest in the issue of energy, especially renewable energy. This interest has not been the result of rapidly increasing energy prices
ó nonrenewable energy, including oil, is abundant and relatively inexpensive. Rather, the renewed interest has been because of environmental concerns, especially the burning of fossil fuels, which many believe contributes significantly to acid rain and global warming. Another factor contributing to the interest in energy issues is the realization of the United Statesí increasing dependence on foreign oil. This was highlighted by the war in the Persian Gulf.Public policy issues involving energy have tremendous economic implications. To ensure wise public policy, citizens and decisiomnakers must not only understand basic facts about energy sources, but also must know how to apply basic economic concepts in their analysis of energy issues.
Energy Basics
MEASURING ENERGY: Energy can be defined as the capacity to do work. The unit of measurement used to express the heat contained in energy resources is called a British thermal unit or Btu. One Btu is the heat energy needed to raise the temperature of one pound of water one degree Fahrenheit. A Btu is quite small. For example, if allowed to burn completely, a wooden kitchen match gives off one Btu of energy. A quad is used to measure very large amounts of energy. A quad is equal to one quadrillion (1,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO,OOO) Btuís. The United States uses an enormous amount of energy
ó about one quad of energy eveiy 4.5 days!ENERGY SOURCES: There are many primary energy sources used in the United States, including petroleum, coal, natural gas, nuclear, hydropower, propane, geothermal, wind, solar, and biomass. Figure 3-1 shows the breakdown by energy source.
Figure 3.1
U.S. Consumption of Primary Energy (1991)
Hydropower, Geothermal, and Other -
Nuclear 8.0%Ý
These primary energy sources are classified as renewable or nonrenewable. Renewable energy sources are those that can be replenished quickly or that are nondepletable. Examples include solar, hydropower, wind, geothermal, and biomass. Nonrenewable energy sources are finite. If we continue to use them, at some point they will run out. Examples are fossil fuels such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas.
ELECTRICITY: Electricity is a secondary energy source, which means that we must use primary sources to produce it. About 28 percent of all primary energy consumed in the United States is used to generate electricity. Coal, nuclear, hydropower, natural gas, and petroleum are the top five primary sources for producing electricity. Unlike the primary sources, electricity is not classified as renewable or nonrenewable.
TRENDS IN UNITED STATES ENERGY CONSUMPTION: As the economy and population of the United States have grown, so has energy consumption. However, this increase has been marked by remarkable increases in energy efficiency. For example, in 1989, the United States used about 9 percent more energy that it did in 1973; however, the value of the nationís real gross domestic product GDP (the total value of all the goods and services produced in the economy in a year) was 46 percent higher! The United States has improved its energy/GDP ratio as fast or faster than other developed countries. This improvement in energy efficiency was largely a response to the rapid increases in crude oil prices in the 1970s.
Renewable Energy Sources
RECENT TRENDS: In the 1970s, the federal governmentís renewable energy program grew rapidly to include not only basic and applied research and development (R & D), but also participation in private sector initiatives. In the 1980s, this interest waned as the price of oil fell. In constant dollar (real) terms, government spending for R&D in renewable energy declined 90 percent from a peak of $875 million in 1979 to a low of $84 million in 1990. In 1990, this trend was reversed. Constant dollar R&D spending in 1992 was $146 million, and it appears likely there will be additional funding for additional renewable energy programs. This funding increase reflects fears of environmental damage from burning fossil fuels, especially acid rain and global warming.
To what extent the United States continues to subsidize the development of renewable energy will be a subject of much future debate.
RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: The information below identifies basic facts about the different renewable energy sources, and lists some advantages and disadvantages of each source.
Solar Energy: Solar energy is produced in the core of the sun. In a process called nuclear fusion, the intense heat in the sun causes hydrogen atoms to break apart and fuse together to form helium atoms. A very small amount of mass is lost in this process. This lost matter is emitted into space as radiant energy. Less than 1 percent of this energy reaches the earth, yet it is enough to provide all of the earthís energy needs. The sunís energy travels at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, and reaches the earth in about eight minutes. Capturing the sunís energy is not easy, since solar energy is spread out over such a large area. The energy a specific land area receives depends on factors such as time of day, season of the year, cloudiness of the sky, and proximity to the equator.
One primary use of solar energy is home heating. There are two basic kinds of solar heating systems: active and passive. In an active system, special equipment (such as solar collectors) is used to collect and distribute the solar energy. In a passive system, the home is designed to let in large amounts of sunlight. The heat produced from the light is trapped inside. A passive system does not rely on special mechanical equipment.
Another primary use of solar energy is producing electricity. The most familiar way is using photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are used to power toys, calculators, and roadside telephone call boxes. The other primary way to produce electricity is using solar thermal systems. Large collectors concentrate the sunlight onto a receiver to superheat a liquid, which is used to make steam to power electrical generators.
Advantages of Solar Energy … Unlimited supply … Causes no air or water pollution |
Disadvantages of Solar
Energy … May not be cost effective … Storage and backup are necessary … Reliability depends on availability of sunlight |
Hydropower Hydropower is energy that comes from the force of moving water. Hydropower is a renewable energy source because it is replenished constantly by the fall and flow of snow and rainfall in the water cycle. As water flows through devices such as a water wheel or turbine, the kinetic (motion) energy of the water is converted to mechanical energy, which can be used to grind grain, drive a sawmill, pump water, or produce electricity.
The primary way hydropower is used today in the United States is to produce electricity. In 1991, hydropower provided 10 percent of the nationís electricity. Although a hydroelectric power plant is initially expensive to build, in the long run, it is the cheapest way to produce electricity, primarily because the energy source, moving water, is free. Recently, many people have built smaller hydroelectric systems that produce only enough electricity to power a few homes.
Detailed fact sheets for middle and high school students on all the renewable and nonrenewable energy sources are available from the National Energy Education Development Project (NEED), 102 Elden St., Suite 15, Herndon, VA 20170, telephone (703) 471-6263.
Two lesser known forms of hydropower are ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC), which uses the temperature difference between surface and deep ocean waters to boil and then recondense fluids, and tidal power, which uses the enormous power of ocean tides. Presently, these forms of hydropower are not veiy feasible, but they hold promise for the future.
Advantages of Hydropower | Disadvantages of Hydropower |
… Abundant, clean, and safe | … Can have a significant environmental impact |
… Easily stored in reservoirs | … Can be used only where there is a water supply |
… Relatively inexpensive way to produce electricity | … Best sites for dams have already been developed |
… Offers recreational benefits like boating, fishing, etc. | Ý |
Wind Energy: Wind is air in motion. It is caused by the uneven heating of the earthís surface by the sun. Wind power has been used for thousands of years to convert the windís kinetic (motion) energy into mechanical energy for grinding grain or pumping water. Today, wind machines are used increasingly to produce electricity.
The two most common types of wind machines used for producing electricity are horizontal and vertical. Horizontal machines have blades that look like airplane propellers. Vertical machines look like giant egg-beaters. The vertical machines are easier to maintain, can accept wind from any direction, and donít require protective features to guard against high winds. However, horizontal machines produce more electricity, and for this reason are used far more than their vertical counterparts.
Most electricity production occurs on large wind farms. Most wind farms are not owned by public utility companies. Instead, independent producers, who operate the farms, sell electricity back to utility companies for distribution. The Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) requires utility companies to purchase electricity from independent energy producers at fair and nondiscriminatory rates. In 1990, wind energy provided the United States with about .10 percent of its total electricity, with California producing 98 percent of this amount. Many predict that wind energy will provide much more of our future electrical production.
Advantages of Wind Energy | Disadvantages of Wind Energy |
… Is a "free" source of energy | … Requires constant and significant amounts of wind |
… Produces no water or air pollution | … Wind farms require significant amounts of land |
… Wind farms are relatively inexpensive to build | … Can have a significant visual impact on landscapes |
… Land around wind farms can have other uses | Ý |
Geothermal Energy: Geothermal energy comes from the intense heat within the earth. The heat is produced by the radioactive decay of elements below the earthís surface. There is more than one kind of geothermal energy, but the only kind that is widely used is hydrothermal energy. Hydrothermal energy has two basic ingredients: water and heat. Water beneath the earthís surface contacts the heated rocks and changes into steam.
Depending on the steamís temperature, it can heat buildings directly or can power turbines to generate electricity.
Using geothermal energy to produce electricity is a new industry in the United States. In a typical geothermal electric plant, steam is piped directly to a turbine, which then powers an electrical generator. A geothermal well can be one to two miles deep! In 1990, hydrothermal energy produced less than 0.5 percent of the electricity in the United States.
Advantages of Geothermal Energy | Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy |
… Provides an unlimited supply of energy | … Start-up/development costs can be expensive |
… Produces no air or water pollution | … Maintenance costs, due to corrosion, can be a problem |
Biomass: Biomass is any organic substance that can be used as an energy source. The most common examples are wood, crops, seaweed, and animal wastes. Biomass has been used for thousands of years and is the oldest known energy source. It is a renewable energy source because its supply is unlimited
ó more can always be grown in a relatively short time.All biomass is converted solar energy. The energy is stored in biomass through the process of photosynthesis, in which plants combine carbon dioxide, water, and certain minerals to form carbohydrates. The most common way to release the energy from biomass is burning. Other less used ways are bacterial decay, fermentation, and conversion.
There are four main types of biomass: (1) wood and agricultural products, (2) solid waste, (3) landfill gas, and (4) alcohol fuels. Wood is by far the most common form, accounting for about 90 percent of all biomass energy. Burning solid waste is a common practice, and people have done it for thousands of years. What iv new is burning waste to produce electricity. Waste-to-energy power plants operate like a traditional coal plant, except garbage is used to produce steam to run the turbines. Although it typically costs more to produce electricity using biomass, the great advantage is that is reduces the amount of waste entering landfills. Some people have environmental concerns about waste-to-energy plants, but because it is becoming increasingly difficult to find sites for landfills, these plants are an increasingly attractive option.
The methane produced in landfills by the decay of organic matter is another source of biomass energy. Because of todayís low natural gas prices, the methane ("biogas") produced in landfills is usually burned at the site. However, some individuals have devised more efficient uses. A landfill owner in Indianapolis uses the methane to heat his greenhouse, thus reducing the operating costs of his on-site nursery business.
Corn, wheat, and other crops can be used to produce a variety of liquid fuels. The most common are ethanol and methanol. Today these are relatively high cost fuels, and the price of oil would have to double to make them a cost effective option. However, a mixture of 10 percent ethanol and 90 percent gasoline produces a fuel called gasohol. Gasohol is much more cost competitive and can be used in a traditional gasoline engine. It also has a higher octane rating than gasoline and is cleaner burning.
Advantages of Biomass | Disadvantages of Biomass |
Abundant and "renewable" | Burning biomass can result in air pollution |
Can be used to burn waste products | May not be cost effective |
Economic Implications
Energy policies have many economic implications. Two somewhat controversial issues concern the distinction between energy efficiency and economic efficiency, and the role of market prices in guiding decisions about energy resources.
ENERGY EFFICIENCY VERSUS ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY: Economists are concerned with the overall economic efficiency of the economic system. This means getting the greatest benefit from all of our scarce productive resources. Energy efficiency is a narrower concept, and means getting the greatest benefit from our energy resources. Sometimes these goals conflict. A goal of maximizing energy efficiency puts no value on the other scarce resources. For example, we could make automobiles today that average more than 100 miles per gallon. This would result in better energy conservation, but would we be willing to pay the cost in terms of lack of power, crash protection, and payload?
THE ROLE OF PRICE IN GUIDING DECISIONS ABOUT ENERGY: In market economies resource allocation is guided by market prices. They help society determine answers to the crucial questions of what, how, and for whom to produce. However, in the area of energy policy, many advocate significant levels of government intervention in energy markets. The intervention often takes the form of subsidies for the development of renewable energy sources.
For example, the market price of oil is currently about $20 a barrel. This price is high enough for oil producers to make a profit. At this price, oil is also relatively inexpensive for consumers and producers of other goods and services, who enjoy many benefits from this valuable source of energy. The relatively low market price of oil indicates that oil is an abundant source of energy at this time. Should the government subsidize more expensive forms of renewable energy given the low price of oil (and other fossil fuels)?
Proponents contend that subsidies are necessary to help reduce our dependence on finite fossil fuels. Proponents also point out that relying more on renewable energy will reduce our dependence on foreign oil suppliers, and will result in less pollution of the environment.
Subsidy opponents argue that we will never run out of fossil fuels. As fossil fuels become more scarce, their market price will rise, encouraging consumers to use less. The higher price also will make it cost effective for energy companies to invest in new fossil fuel production technologies and to invest in alternative energy sources, including renewable energy. This simultaneous decrease in the quantity of energy demanded and increase in the quantity of energy supplied, occurs automatically, without costly and inefficient government intervention. Opponents of subsidies agree that the environmental costs of fossil fuels should be reflected in their price, and this should be an important consideration when dealing with this issue. They believe that the best way to lessen the danger of a cut-off in foreign supplies is to build a strategic petroleum reserve.
The issue of the development of renewable energy sources is a complicated one. The key point to remember is that there is an opportunity cost to every economic decision. Using tax revenues to subsidize renewable energy means giving up some other valuable use for those revenues. In energy policy, as in all public policy, decision makers must consider all the opportunity costs when determining trade-offs among different policy goals.
Economic Efficiency
getting the most benefit from all of our
scarce productive resources.
the capacity to do work
Energy Conservation
actions taken to get the most benefit from our
scarce energy resources; promotes energy efficiency
Energy Efficiency
the amount of energy it takes to do a certain amount
of work
a liquid, biomass fuel derived from crops, such as corn and
wheat; ethyl alcohol
biomass fuel produced by mixing ethanol and gasoline,
typically 10 percent and 90 percent respectively
Geothermal Energy
energy that comes from the heat within the earth
energy that comes from the force of moving water
Hydrothermal Energy
most common type of geothermal energy; consists of
reservoirs of steam and/or hot water
Market Price
price of a good, service, or energy resource, as
determined by its price in the marketplace
colorless, odorless gas formed from the decay of organic
substances; identical to natural gas
a liquid, alcohol fuel derived from wood, agricultural
wastes, coal, and natural gas; methyl alcohol
Nonrenewable Energy
resources, such as fossil fuels, that are limited
in supply
stands for Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, a
cartel that controls a large part of the worldís oil reserves
Opportunity Cost
the value of the next best alternative when making a
decision; every decision has an opportunity cost
process shared by all green plants by which solar
energy is converted to cbemical energy. Combines carbon dioxide, water, and
various minerals to form carbohydrates
Primary Energy Source
direct energy sources such as coal, oil,
uranium, solar, and hydropower
the amount of sales revenues remaining after subtracting all
the costs of production
Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act; requires utility
companies to purchase electricity from independent energy producers at fair and
nondiscriminatory rates
One quadrillion (1,000,000,000,000,000) Btuís
Renewable Energy
energy resources that are "unlimited" in supply
because they can be replenished
in economics, the situation that exists whenever wants are
greater than the resources available to satisfy the wants; scarcity requires
people to make choices
Secondary Energy Source
an energy source, such as electricity, that is
produced using a primary energy source
Solar Energy
energy that comes from the sun
financial assistance given by government to encourage the
production of a good, service, or resource; production would be uneconomical
without the subsidy
Waste-to-Energy Plant
a plant that burns solid waste to produce usable
Wind Energy
energy that comes from the movement of air
These specific teaching activities, like those in the other units, do not have to be done in order. It may be best, however, to do the Case Study toward the end of the unit, after students have mastered much of the basic information. Although some basic information is given in the Facts About Renewable Energy section, your students will need to research other resources to investigate the broad area of renewable energy adequately. The "Resources" section on page 152 identifies a variety of excellent sources. The "Further Investigations" activity suggests a variety of research activities.
Some of the key economics concepts in this unit are described below in the "Important Concepts to Emphasize" and "Facts About Renewable Energy" sections. Teachers may also wish to review the basic economic concepts relating to energy and the environment explained in the htroduction of this curriculum.
Important Concepts To Emphasize:
Teaching Suggestions:
ACTIVITY 1: RENEWABLE ENERGY BASICS. Have the students research the renewable sources and complete the
chart. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each.
ACTIVITY 2: GRAPHING ENERGY FACTS. In Part I and Part II, make sure students do an accurate job estimating the particular parts of the pie graphs. This involves correctly estimating angles of a circle. Also insist on graphs that are neatly drawn and labeled. You may wish students to construct larger graphs for a bulletin board display.
ACTIVITY 3: TRENDS IN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (R & D) SPENDING. This activity shows the correlation between R & D funding and oil prices. In question one, explain that to compare spending levels of different years accurately we must use constant dollars, from a particular base year, in this case, 1982. If we do not use constant dollars, the comparisons are distorted due to inflation.
In question 2, explain that oil prices are quoted in current year dollars. Using constant dollars would give a truer picture of the real (inflation adjusted) changes in oil prices. Have some of your students determine the constant dollar prices of these oil prices. To do this they must use the implicit price deflator (IPD), an index number used by economists to figure constant dollar (real) price changes. The IPD for each year since 1973 is given below, using 1987 as the base year (IPD
= 100). To determine the real constant dollar price of oil for any year, use this formula:Constant Dollar Price = (Current Price/IPD) x 100
For example, in 1973 the current dollar price was $2 a barrel. The constant dollar (real) price is $2/41.3 x 100 = $4.84. In other words, the $2 price in 1973 is equivalent to $4.84 using inflated 1987 dollars. Have students figure and graph the real oil prices. Discuss how this graph differs from the graph of current dollar prices.
Implicit Price Deflators (1973-1990)
1973---41.3 | 1979 --- 65.5 | 1985 --- 94.4 |
1974 --- 44. 9 | 1980 --- 71.7 | 1986---Ý 96.9 |
1975 --- 49.2 | 1981---Ý 78.9 | 1987 --- 100.0 |
1976 --- 52.3 | 1982 --- 83.8 | 1988 --- 103.9 |
1977 --- 55.9 | 1983 --- 87.2 | 1989 --- 108.5 |
Ý | Ý | 1990 --- 113.2 |
ACTIVITY 4: ENERGY EFFICIENCY. In question 4c. discuss why it is important to use real (constant dollar) GDP when analyzing changes in energy efficiency. (Answer: One should consider actual increases in goods and services, not increases caused only by inflation.)
ACTIVITY 5: FURTHER INVESTIGATIONS. Encourage students to do research on their own. If time permits, let students share information they have learned with their classmates.
ACTIVITY 6: DEBATING THE ISSUES. Students can debate orally or present their views as a written assignment.
ACTIVITY 7: EEE ACTIONS. Encourage students to implement some of the suggested activities.
This case study deals with a hypothetical congressional debate over an energy bill that would provide federal support for energy firms willing to increase their R & D spending for renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, biomass, and hydropower. The case uses role playing to encourage students to look at the trade-offs involved in energy policy and to recognize the role of values and self-interest in determining the appropriate public policy. Suggested steps to implement the case study are as follows:
Key Questions to Ask Students:
Renewable Energy Basics
Complete the chart below about the basic types of renewable energy resources.
Type |
Definition |
Examples |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Solar |
Ý | Ý | Ý | Ý |
Hydropower |
Ý | Ý | Ý | Ý |
Wind Energy |
Ý | Ý | Ý | Ý |
Geothermal |
Ý | Ý | Ý | Ý |
Biomass |
Ý | Ý | Ý | Ý |
2. List those energy sources that are fossil fuels.
3. What main advantage do fossil fuels have over the renewable energy
4. What are two main disadvantages of fossil fuels compared to
Graphing Energy Facts
Part A
: The table below lists United States primary energy consumption by source in 1973 and 1991.Primary Energy Consumption (percent)
Ý |
1973 |
1991 |
Petroleum |
46.9 |
40.4 |
Nuclear Power |
1.2 |
8.0 |
Hydropower/OtherRenewable |
4.1 |
4.0 |
Natural Gas |
30.3 |
24.4 |
Coal |
17.5 |
23.2 |
1. Draw two pie graphs showing this data. Use different colors to identify each energy source and neatly label your graphs. Then answer the questions that follow.
2. What is a primary energy source? Explain how it differs from a secondary
Why do you think this happened? ________________________________________
4. Which source increased the most from 1973 to 1991? _________________________
Why do you think this happened? _________________________________________
5. Sunlight, wind, and running water are essentially "free". Yet renewable energy sources are a very small part of our energy consumption. Why is this? Explain. ___________________________________
PART B: The data below shows the amount of electricity generated in the United States in 1990 by various renewable energy sources.
1990 United States Renewable Electric Generating Capacity (Gigawatts)
Ý |
Gigawatts |
Percent of Total |
Hydropower |
75.1 |
Ý |
Geothermal |
2.6 |
Ý |
Biomass ó (Municipal Waste to Energy) |
2.0 |
Ý |
Biomass (other) |
6.0 |
Ý |
Solar Thermal |
0.4 |
Ý |
Wind |
1.4 |
Ý |
87.4 |
Ý |
Draw a bar graph below showing the generating capacity. On the vertical axis, put Electrical Generating Capacity/Gigawatts. On the horizontal axis, put the energy sources. Use different colors and neatly label your graph.
2. Compute the percent of the total that each resource provides and put the percent in the blanks. Then make a pie graph of the percent data. Use different colors and neatly label the graph.
4. Which renewable energy source above is used the least?
__________________________________________________________________________________5. Which renewable source do you think should be used the most? Why? ______________
Trends In R & D Spending
1. The United States Department of Energy (DOE) subsidizes research and development (R & D) in renewable energy. The data below show R & D spending since 1974 in constant 1982 dollars. The FY stands for fiscal year. Construct a line graph showing R & D funding by year. (Put R & D funding on the vertical axis and Fiscal Year on the horizontal axis.)
DOE Renewable Energy R & D Funding
millions, 1982 dollars)FY74 | 40 | FY80 | 850 | FY86 | 149 |
FY75 | 132 | FY81 | 759 | FY87 | 123 |
FY76 | 324 | FY82 | 279 | FY88 | 98 |
FY77 | 513 | FY83 | 244 | FY89 | 88 |
FY78 | 747 | FY84 | 192 | FY90 | 84 |
FY79 | 875 | FY85 | 181 | FY91 | 114 |
2. Describe the trend in R & D spending that you observe.
3. The data below give average current dollar price per barrel of oil since 1973. Price is rounded to the nearest dollar. Construct a line graph showing this data. (Put Price on the vertical axis and Fiscal Year on the horizontal axis.)
Average Price of Oil |
+ | ||
FY73 $2 FY74 $3 FY75 $10 FY76 $11 FY77 $12 FY78 $13 |
FY79 $30 FY80 $36 FY81 $34 FY82 $32 FY83 $29 FY84 $28 |
FY85 $28 FY86 $13 FY87 $17 FY88 $13 FY89 $16 FY90 $22 |
4. Describe oil price trends. How do they help explain the trends you observed in R&D funding?
Energy Efficiency
2. List four ways you can be more energy efficient at home?
3. What are ways that a business can be more energy efficient?
4. The graph and chart below show total United States energy consumption from 1973 to 1991.
United States Energy Consumption (Quadrillion Btuís)
Total --74.3
l974 Total --72.5
1975 Total --70.5
1976 Total
1977 Total --76.3
1978 Total --78.1
1979 Total --78.9
Total --75.9
1981 Total --74.0
1982 Total --70.8
1983 Total
1984 Total --74.1
1985 Total --74.0
1986 Total --74.3
Total --76.9
1988 Total --80.2
1989 Total --81.3
1990 Total
1991 Total --81.1
a. What was the increase in consumption from 1973 to 1991?
__________________b. Compute the percentage increase from 1973 to 1991.
________________________c. The Gross Domestic Produce (GDP) measures the value of all the goods and services produced in an economy in a year. Since 1973, the real (constant dollar) GDP of the United States has increased over 48 percent. Given this fact and your answer in b. above, what can you conclude about the energy efficiency of the United States from 1973 to 1992?
5. The United States consumes more energy per unit of GDP than Japan or Italy (In 1988: United States
ó 18.0 thousand Btuís, Japan ó11.2, Italy 13.6). Give at least two reasons for this difference
Further Investigations
1. Research the history of solar energy. How did ancient people harness this form of energy. What developments have taken place in the past 100 years? Prepare a report of your findings. Include diagrams and pictures of various solar energy systems.
2. Prepare a report on passive and active solar heating systems. Include diagrams or pictures in your report. Find out the cost difference between the two systems. If possible, visit a home that uses solar heating. Interview the owner to identify advantages and disadvantages of the solar system.
3. Research how a solar thermal power plant, such as the LUZ plant in the Mojave Desert in California, produces electricity. Diagram how such a system works. What are the kilowatt hour costs of producing electricity using this method? What does the future hold for these types of power plants?
4. Research developments in solar powered cars. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these vehicles? What does the future hold for solar powered transportation?
5. Research another new form of solar thermal power: the solar pond. Describe and diagram how it works. Explain what promise this type of solar power holds for the future.
6. Investigate developments in photovoltaic solar power technology.
7. Research the history of wind energy. Investigate how people in earlier times and in different cultures have harnessed the windís energy. What developments have taken place in the past hundred years? How is wind energy being used today? Include diagrams and pictures in your report.
8. Prepare a report on how electricity is generated on wind farms. Describe types of wind generators, types and sizes of wind farms, the economics of electricity production on wind farms, and the locations of currently operating wind farms in the United States. Include diagrams.
9. Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) of 1978 requires utilities to buy electricity at reasonable rates from independent electricity producers. Research other specific requirements of the law. Contact your local electrical utility company and find out how PURPA has affected its operation.
10. Explain and diagram how a hydroelectric power plant operates. Label your diagram carefully. Identify some of the environmental concerns about constructing this type of power plant. Research the kilowatt hours (kWh) cost of electricity produced in these plants. How does the cost compare with electrical production using other forms of energy?
11. Research how tidal power and ocean thermal energy conversion can be used to generate electricity.
12. Diagram and explain the operation of a waste-to-energy power plant. If possible, visit a plant in operation. The Indianapolis Resource Recovery Facility, a waste-to-energy plant operated by Ogden Martin Systems, provides teachers with information and also schedules free tours. The address is 2320 South Harding Street, Indianapolis, IN 46221. The telephone number is (317) 634-7367.
13. Research these four basic methods of capturing geothermal energy: dry steam systems, wet steam systems, geopressurized hot water systems, and hot dry-rock systems.
14. Research how geothermal energy can be used to heat homes. Diagram how such a geothermal system works. Investigate the costs compared to other types of home heating systems.
15. Research current developments in alternative fuels, especially ethanol, methanol, and gasohol. How are they made? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of fuel? What states lead in the production and consumption of these fuels?
16. Research the advantages and disadvantages of using wood as a fuel. Be sure to examine how wood is used for fuel in other countries of the world.
17. Investigate the topic of superconductivity. Find out how this development has the potential to change, or even revolutionize, the electronic, electric power, and transportation industries.
18. As you study energy, put information on a timeline made of paper. Stretch the timeline across one wall. Mark important discoveries, inventors, and places related to energy.
19. Plan a trip to a local power plant. Prepare questions beforehand to ask plant officials. Prepare a report of your visit, including diagram of the energy production process.
20. Assign a research paper in which students address how the United States should react to another energy crisis. Identify what policies should be encouraged and/or avoided.
Debating the Issues
Debate and discuss these statements:
1. To help lessen our dependence on foreign energy, especially oil, the United States should increase funding for renewable energy substantially, even though this will reduce funding for other important programs.
2. United States car companies should be required to produce a solar-powered car, since this will help reduce our consumption of polluting fossil fuels.
3. The government should quit subsidizing R & D in renewable energy. When the price of nonrenewable sources becomes high enough, it will then be profitable for private energy to invest in renewable energy technology. Until then money spent on R & D is being wasted, and should be used for more urgent needs, such as cancer research, toxic waste clean-up, and better roads.
4. To lessen our dependence on foreign oil and to spur development in alternative energy sources, including renewable energy, the United States should impose a gasoline tax of $1 per gallon.
5. To reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, we should develop hydropower as much as possible. We should build more dams and reservoirs, even if it means somewhat disrupting the ecological balance of certain rivers and streams. Reservoirs also provide many valuable recreational benefits.
6. We should encourage communities to develop environmentally safe waste-to-energy power plants. Not only does this reduce what is put into our landfills, but it also uses our solid waste to produce energy.
EEE Actions: You Can Make A Difference!
1. Do an energy audit in your home. Check ways to make your home more energy efficient. Make energy saving changes if possible, such as improving insulation, installing storm doors and windows, stopping drafts under doors and around windows, and installing devices that reduce hot water consumption.
2. Plant shade trees around your house. This will make your house cooler and lessen the need for air conditioning.
3. Investigate the possibility of installing a passive solar heating system in your house.
4. Recycle where feasible. Recycling certain items such as aluminum cans can save enormous amounts of energy. Txy to buy recycled products, and buy products that use minimum packaging.
5. Use your appliances efficiently. For example, run dishwashers and washing machines when you have full loads, wash clothes in cold water, donít overheat your hot water, use a clothes line instead of the dryer, and buy energy efficient appliances.
6. Dress for the season! In the winter, wear warm clothes inside your house and turn down the thermostat a bit! In the summer, wear cool, loose clothes. Try not to turn on air conditioning until it gets really hot.
7. If feasible, walk or ride a bike to school or around town. Itís good exercise and it saves energy!
8. Ask your principal if your school has a plan for reducing energy consumption. If not, ask if your class can conduct an energy audit. Discuss possible improvements and draft a letter with suggestions for reducing your schoolís energy consumption.
9. Design energy conservation awareness posters and place them in the hallways at school.
10. Be sure that your family car has a regular tune-up. Keep the tires inflated properly.
Case Study
The Case of the Energy Subsidy
Student Directions:
1. The Senate is considering energy policies to give tax breaks to renewable energy sources and to increase taxes on fossil fuels. You will be asked to take part in public hearings involving these issues.
2. After you research the various energy sources, you will be assigned a role as either a senator or one of the lobbyists representing various special interests and geographic regions.
3. Fill out a Decision Worksheet and Decision-Making Grid to help you come to a decision. Much depends on you. Good luck.
The year is 1998. United States dependence on foreign petroleum, which became a problem in the early 1970s, continues to grow. In addition, concern rises over the environmental costs associated with the use of fossil fuels. Renewable energy sources are an option in some regions, but they have been slow to develop commercially. Connecticut, for example, has access to hydroelectric power, but usage has actually declined during the past century, because of relatively cheap fossil fuels. To help change this trend, Connecticut Senator Jonathan Barnhart has sponsored a bill to provide special tax breaks, or subsidies, for developers of renewable energy sources, including solar, wind, geothermal, hydropower, and biomass. These tax subsidies would take the form of tax credits, or rebates, for qualifying energy projects.
Senator Barnhartís proposal received mixed reviews in the Senate. Senators from the five top oil producing statesóTexas, Alaska, Louisiana, California. and Oklahoma
ó expressed concern that the bill would put oil producers at a disadvantage that could result in serious job losses in their states. Three of those states, Texas, Louisiana, and Oklahoma, are also the top producers of natural gas, leading their senators to argue even more strongly against a subsidy for competing renewable fuels. Noting that renewable fuels are not yet competitive in price without tax subsidies, they argue that consumers would get the best product at the lowest price by letting the market determine what type of energy to produce and in what quantities. In addition, they object to any programs that would increase the size of the federal budget deficit at a time when program cuts and tax hikes are being proposed to deal with the out-of-control federal budget.Environmental groups and developers of renewable energy sources disagree. They claim that fossil fuels already receive a subsidy from the general public in the form of environmental damage that does not get charged back to those who are responsible. They assert that fossil fuels would cost a lot more if the environmental costs to society were included. According to the environmentalists, we tend to be short-sighted in dealing with nonrenewable resources by not taking into account their finite nature until it is too late.
Oil company representatives respond that it was the free market that developed petroleum back in the mid-nineteenth century when whales became relatively scarce and there was concern that they might be driven to extinction. Oklahoma Senator Susan Phillips reminds Senator Barnhart that we avoided a whale oil crisis a century ago not through special subsidies, but through the free market responding to a shortage of whale oil by raising its price. Says Senator Phillips, "The higher price of whale oil actually created a market for petroleum and other energy sources by encouraging both consumers and producers to look for cheaper alternatives."
The president of the Sierra Club, Belinda Arbuckle disagreed. "For free markets to operate effectively, people need to pay the full cost of their actions. Our failure to take into account the full long-run costs of fossil fuels to society makes it difficult for producers of renewable energy sources to compete. I proposed new taxes on fossil fuels reflecting the environmental damage associated with their production and use. This would tend to increase the cost of fossil fuels reflecting their environmental impact and making it easier for renewable energy sources to compete on the basis of price."
The fossil fuel industry response is that we do not need another tax on energy to clean up the environment, especially in light of the mixed scientific evidence on the damaging effects of sulfur dioxide and other pollutants from fossil fuels. The industry also reminds the Senators that an energy tax would have negative effects on jobs and growth throughout an economy dependent on fossil fuels.
The Senate is undecided about what to do, and is calling for special hearings. Should the Senate, 1) support the Barnhart proposal to grant subsidies to producers of renewable energy, 2) support the Sierra Club proposal to tax fossil fuels, or 3) do neither and let free markets determine energy use?
Answers To Selected Teaching Activities
Activity 1: Renewable Energy Basics
1. Definitions, examples, and specific advantages and disadvantages are listed in the Facts About Renewable Energy section.
2. The primary fossil fuel energy sources are petroleum, natural gas, and coal.
3. The main advantage of fossil fuels is that they are relatively abundant, and therefore, relatively inexpensive.
4. The primary disadvantage of fossil fuels is that they are more polluting than renewable energy sources. The burning of fossil fuels also produces carbon dioxide, which some fear is causing global warming. This, however, is only a theory, and has not been confirmed by scientific evidence.
Activity 2: Graphing Energy Facts
Part A
1. Make sure students have neatly labeled, colored graphs.
2. Primary energy sources are basic sources of energy, such as coal, natural gas, hydropower, wind, petroleum, etc. Secondary sources, such as electricity, require primary sources of energy to generate power.
3. Petroleum (46.9 percent to 40.4 percent). This large decrease occurred because the price of oil increased significantly in the 1970s. As price increased, consumers bought less, switched to substitutes, etc.
4. Nuclear power. Nuclear power is clean and relatively cost effective. While much of the increased capacity in nuclear power prior to the 1970s was already planned, the oil price increases certainly encouraged the increased use of nuclear power. However, the Three Mile Island incident in 1979 caused much public opposition to nuclear energy. Since then no new plants have been ordered. The growth in the amount of nuclear generated electrical power has tapered off in recent years and could possibly diminish in the future, as older power plants are retired. The future looks brighter for coal, although the current fear of global warming is causing second thoughts about relying more and more on coal.
5. The major reason is that, compared to other sources of energy, renewable sources are relatively more expensive.
Part B:
1. Make sure student graphs are neatly labeled and use several colors.
2. Hydropower: 85.9 percent, Geothermal 3.0 percent, Biomass (Municipal Waste to Energy) 2.3 percent, Biomass (Other, especially wood and wood waste) 6.7 percent, Solar Thermal 0.5 percent, Wind 1.6 percent.
3. Hydropower. It is relatively cost effective compared to the other sources.
4. Solar Thermal
5. Answers will vary.
Activity 3: Trends In R & D Spending
1. Make sure students label the axes correctly. You may have to help students
determine the range of R & D on the vertical axis. A workable range is $0 to
2. R & D increases rapidly until 1980, then decreases rapidly throughout the 1980s. In 1991, it increases again.
3. Make sure students label the graph correctly and put a workable range of prices on the vertical axis ($0 to $40). You can have students graph the real price changes in oil, too, using 1987 dollars. See teacher directions for this activity.
4. Oil prices rose sharply in the 1970s. They then plunged in the mid-1980s, before increasing again at the end of the decade. The increase in R & D is explained by the observed dramatic rise in oil prices in the 1970s; the decrease in R & D parallels the fall in oil prices. Increases in R & D spending in FY91 can be partly explained by environmental concerns of burning fossil fuels.
Activity 4: Energy Efficiency
1. Energy efficiency measures the amount of energy it takes to do a certain amount of work or do a certain task.
2. Answers will vary. Examples: add insulation, install energy efficient appliances, turn down the thermostat, run dishwashers and washing machines only when fully loaded.
3. Answers will vary. Examples: Improved energy management such as better maintenance, improved insulation, conservation goals, lower thermostats, routine energy audits, use of computers to monitor energy consumption, heat recovery and heat exchange, improvements in electricity cogeneration, investment in energy efficient production technologies.
4. a 6.8 (81.1 - 74.3)
b. 6.8/74.3
= 9.15 percentc. Energy efficiency has increased greatly.
5. "Energy efficiency" is a commonly used statistic to make comparisons among countries; however, it can be misleading since it does not take into account differences in life styles, population density, industry mix, and other factors. For example, Japan and Italy are small countries with high population densities. This makes energy-saving mass transit more practical. Italy and Japan also tax energy much more heavily (In Italy gas costs about $4 a gallon, of which $3 is tax!), which reduces energy consumption. The United States has a more extreme climate, which requires large amounts of energy for heating and cooling. Living standards also are higher in the United States, and it takes more energy to heat our larger homes. When corrected for differences in living space, the United States is among the most efficient of the other developed countries in residential heating. Another factor is that because energy is relatively abundant in the United States compared to Japan and Italy, we have developed industries that rely on high energy usage ("energy intensity") in production.
Activity 8: Case Study: The Case of the Energy Subsidy
The Decision Worksheets for the various special interest groups will reflect the biases of the constituencies represented. Nevertheless, the consensus Decision Grid is likely to look something like the sample below.
Suggested Answer Key
The Case of the Energy Subsidy
Criteria | |||||
Alternatives |
Fairness |
Environmental |
Deals with |
Growth and |
Budget |
Free market only |
- Pollution hurts others |
- Benign neglect |
- Does not deal with spillover |
+ Growth continues |
0 No direct impact |
Tax credits |
+/- Why single out this industry? |
+ Encourages cleaner fuels |
? Could level playing field with fossil fuels, but hard to measure |
+ Growth continues |
- Reduces tax revenues |
Fossil fuel tax |
+ Those responsible would pay |
+ Incentive to develop cleaner fuels |
+ Would internalize spillover costs |
- Energy costs would rise, slowing the economy |
+ Increases tax revenues |
Source: Indiana Department of Education, Energy Environment & Economics
29Cheaper Heat
A simple way to
locate outside air coming into your home is with a stick of incense. Light the
incense and inspect your home, from the inside, for air leaks. Choose a breezy
day, and go around windows, areas where plumbing and wiring go through walls,
attic doors, entry doors and fireplace dampers. How much the smoke drifts
horizontally will reveal how serious the leak is.
Most leaks can be quickly
plugged with exterior silicone caulk - be sure to caulk the leaks from the
outside of the house, or moisture will build up inside the walls.
Weatherstripping and door sweeps will fix the door leaks quickly and easily.
When the wood fireplace isn't in use, close the damper to
prevent warm air from escaping out the chimney, and ensure the damper fits
tightly. Most importantly, provide outside combustion air directly to the
fireplace by installing a small vent to the outside wall. This vent can also be
installed through the floor, if fireplace is on the ground floor with an
unheated crawlspace below. The vent can be screened to keep out bugs, but should
be checked annually to clear any cobwebs building against the screen and
reducing its air flow.
Remember that natural gas fireplaces are more
economical, and provide more heat and less pollution, than wood burning units
Standard: 3600-07 Students will
understand the flow of energy into and out of Earth systems
3600-0702 Analyze the transfer of energy within Earth systems
#1a) Make observations and measurements #2e) Analyze data and draw warranted
inferences #5c) Understand science concepts and principles #6d) Construct tables
and graphs
Category:Learning Cycle
Learning Objectives:
Materials, equipment and/or facilities:
You will need the following
for each group of students performing the lab:
Sequence and duration of each part of lesson:
Time: about 40
Exploration: Organize the students in pairs
Student Procedure:
Each pair of students should:
Concept Invention:
Looking at your graph write answers to the
following questions.
In a discussion ask students to apply their knowledge about how the various
materials reflect and absorb sunlight in every day situations.
For example:
white clothing in Africa, colors of cars, mirrored windows, silver backed light
fixtures, etc.
Knowing what you know about energy conversions:
The students will do the following:
General Science, Physical Science
4 class periods (Activities 3 and 4 can be activities for the whole class, and each requires one class period)
large newsprint pad, drawing paper, several colored pens, rulers, protractor, student sheets (included)
Activity 3 - cardboard box, piece of white posterboard, compass, clear plastic wrap, flat black paint or black construction paper, thermometer, masking tape
Activity 4 - hot plate, watch, metal stem thermometer (0-100o C), large beaker, º" thick plywood, ‡" thick fiberglass, ceramic tile, 2 plastic straws of different diameter, tape
Among the factors influencing the energy efficiency of home design are site analysis, home orientation, configuration, envelope, space planning, ventilation, heating, cooling, lighting and appliances, water heating, and waste management A brief explanation of each of these factors follows.
Site analysis is the recognition and use of natural elements of a homeís setting for its energy efficiency. An example might be siting a home to take advantage of wind breaks to the north.
Home orientation
includes facing a house and planning its windows to maximize solar heat gain in winter and minimize it in summer.The home designís configuration should balance the benefits of using natural lighting and minimizing perimeter wall areas. To increase southern exposures (i.e, solar access), the optimal configuration is generally a form elongated in the east-west direction.
Envelope considerations include the glass and exterior wall materials selected, as well as structural design
Good space planning arranges various home activity areas appropriately. For example, the kitchen/dayrooms might share the east/south sides of the home.
Ventilation includes the controlled intake of fresh air, its circulation, and its exhaust
Heating needs in Tennessee Valley homes are usually greater than cooling needs. Home heating generally consumes more energy than any other home energy use (approximately 40 percent). Heating systems include electric resistance heating (e g, electric wall heaters), gas furnaces, wood heaters, and electric heat pumps. Central heating systems deliver heated air or water to all parts of the home. Heating (and cooling) systems are usually controlled by a thermostat.
Cooling systems in Tennessee Valley homes are almost always window or central air-conditioners that use a compressor and refrigerant to cool and dehumidify the air in side the home.
Lights and appliances are usually powered by electricity. An exception would be gas stoves. Well-designed windows or skylights can be used to provide "daylighting." One factor to consider when purchasing appliances is their energy efficiency rating. The location of appliances within the living space and the ways in which they are used and maintained must also be considered.
Domestic hot water is the term for heated water used for washing and bathing. As much as 25 percent of an all-electric homeís electricity bill comes from heating water.
Energy waste management should always be considered in the design of large buildings. Waste management systems for homes are generally rudimentary. An insulation blanket for a water heater is a simple form of waste management. Another is the fresh air intake control device on heating/air conditioning systems. We will begin to see more frequent use of air-to-air heat exchangers to preheat incoming fresh air as a waste management feature in new systems.
I. Give each student a copy of the student sheet "ENERGY-EFFICIENT STRUCTURES-Introduction" included. Using the background information, introduce the eleven factors given for energy-efficient homes to the students.
II. Divide the class into nine to eleven groups. Assign each group one of the student activities and give the members of the groups the student sheets for their activities. They are to complete the activities and then develop a presentation for the class based on their findings. Encourage them to do further research and to make visual aids. Tell them that their job is to convince their classmates to conserve energy.
III. Allow at least four class periods to complete this activity.
A Allow one period for students to learn about the eleven factors for energy efficient homes
B. Allow one period for students to complete their group assignments and plan their class presentations.
C. Two periods, after the groups have had a chance to do research or make visual aids, will be needed for presentations. Be sure to tell the groups how much time they have for their presentations (e g five minutes per group).
IV. You may wish to reserve the "CONFIGURATION" and "ENVELOPE" activities for whole-class participation. In this case, there would only be nine activity groups. Allow one class period for each of these two activities.
V. Continue with the follow-up below.
I. After the class presentations, some effort should be made to compare design features recommended by individual groups for the same design element. For example, compare the south-facing window placement and areas specified by the space planning, ventilation, and configuration groups.
II. You may wish to have a representative from your local utility company, a solar energy advocacy group, or a building or architectural firm visit your class.
American Institute of Architects Energy Conservation in Building Design. N p . Author, 1974.
Edison Electric Institute. "Energy Management in the Home." N.p.: Author, [1987].
Mazria, E. The Passive Solar Energy Book Emmaus, PA Rodale, 1979
Tennessee Valley Authority. Energy Saver Home Standards. N.p: Author, [1981].
Energy-efficient structures result from careful consideration of the following design factors
All-electric homes in the Tennessee Valley tend to consume the following relative amounts of electricity for the consumption categories listed:
Heating 44%
Domestic hot water 22%
Cooling 12%
Refrigeration 5%
Cooking 4%
Clothes drying 3%
Of course these percentages will vary as locations, homes, heating/cooling systems, appliances, and even the residentsí habits vary.
Each group is to complete the student activity sheet assigned to it and then develop a presentation to be given to the class. First you will meet as a group to discuss how your assignment is to be completed. Then plan your group presentation. Try to be innovative in the ways you present your findings. Use examples from your own homes and school buildings.
Homes should be sited to take advantage of natural features of the terrain, which offer energy conservation help. For example, a home site may offer windbreaks or summer shade. You have probably heard how one can use the sunís energy to heat a home. To benefit from the winter sunís heat, trees near the south wall of your home should be deciduous. Using your personal knowledge, perform the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, you may gather additional information to substantiate your conclusions.
1. List terrain features that can help to make a home more energy efficient.
2. Explain how each feature can contribute to energy efficiency.
3. Visit the site of a new house or housing development. Examine the siting of the home(s). Draw a map showing compass directions, a new home, and natural features that make the new home more energy efficient. The map need not be elaborate. Hereís an example:
4. Describe the new home
5. Using a different color pen, add to your map the landscaping changes you would make to improve the homeís energy efficiency
The sun can help heat our homes in winter. If we use air-conditioning in summer, the sun can increase our energy use and bills unless we provide sun controls. Sun controls that might be used include (deciduous) shade trees, roof overhangs, windows blinds and drapes, and thermal insulation. If the south-facing glass area is limited to approximately 10 percent of the comfort-conditioned living space area in a house in the Tennessee Valley, there should be more winter energy savings than summer losses (i.e. a net decrease in annual energy used for heating and cooling). Using your personal knowledge, perform the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, you may get additional information to substantiate your conclusions.
This activity may be used with the whole classÝ
People have long been aware of the heating effects of the sun. Utilizing the sunís heat in the winter and avoiding it in the summer helps to cut down on heating and cooling costs. Structures can be designed to conserve energy in both winter and summer. This investigation considers the manipulation of a "roof overhang" to illustrate using a shading device to promote the natural cooling of a house.
Perform the following procedure and log your data on the data sheet. Refer to the provided drawings for guidance. Be prepared to demonstrate this experimental procedure during the class presentation.
1. Cut a hole in one side of a cardboard box. This will be a window. Make sure the window is placed closer to the top of the box than it is to the bottom.
2. Paint all the inside surfaces of the box flat black (or cover them with black construction paper).
3. Cut a piece of white posterboard for the roof long enough to make sure the roof covers the entire box and extends over the edge to completely shade the window.
4. Use plastic wrap to cover and seal the hole in the side of the box. Tape the plastic around the edges.
5. Make a small hole toward the back of the box. The hole should be large enough to insert the thermometer. Make sure the bulb of the thermometer is measuring the air temperature in the box. It should not be in direct sunlight.
6. Tape a ruler to the "roof" piece. This will allow you to easily measure the amount of roof overhang.
7. Set this model "house" up outside in direct sunlight around midday. The window should be facing south.
8. Place the roof so that the window is completely shaded. Wait about 5 minutes (until the temperature has stabilized) and record the temperature in the box. Also record the air temperature outside the box.
9. Move the roof a few centimeters at a time, so that the window is shaded to the different degrees given in the data table. Each time record the temperature after it stabilizes. Do this until you have measured the temperature of the box when its window is in full sun. Be sure to measure and record the outside air temperature, too.
Amount of roof overhang (cm) when shading: Temp Inside (oC) Temp Outside (oC)
all of the window ______ cm __________ __________
3/4 of the window ______
cm __________ __________
1/2 of the window ______ cm __________
l/4 of the window ______ cm __________ __________
none of the
window ______ cm __________ __________
10. Estimate the width of roof overhang needed in the Tennessee Valley by sketching to scale the south wall (assume it is all window) and determining the roof overhang needed when the noon sun is 75 degrees above the horizon. For this exercise, assume the roof is a flat one as in the model.
Discussion Questions
It is important to "weatherproof" a home, that is, to insulate, to caulk, and to weatherstrip doors and windows. Insulation is any material that slows the movement of heat from one place to another. It slows the flow of heat entering the house during the summer; it slows the flow of heat leaving the house in the winter. The effectiveness of insulation in slowing the flow of heat is measured in resistance or "R-value." The higher the R-value, the better the insulating potential. Both thickness and composition are important factors in insulating effectiveness. For example, fluffy fibrous insulations should not be compressed before or during installation. In this experiment you will compare the effects of both thickness and composition on insulating capability.
CAUTION: This experiment should be done under your teacherís supervision.
*This activity may be used with the whole class.
Stabilized Hot Plate Temperature ______
Ceramic tile
Thickness: __________ cm | |
Elapsed Time (minutes) | Temperature (00) |
1 | Ý |
2 | Ý |
3 | Ý |
4 | Ý |
5 | Ý |
7 | Ý |
9 | Ý |
11 | Ý |
13 | Ý |
15 | Ý |
20 | Ý |
Ý | |
Ý | Plywood |
Thickness: __________ cm cm | Ý |
Elapsed Time (minutes) | Temperature (00) |
1 | Ý |
2 | Ý |
3 | Ý |
4 | Ý |
5 | Ý |
7 | Ý |
9 | Ý |
11 | Ý |
13 | Ý |
15 | Ý |
20 | Ý |
Thickness: __________ cm | Ý |
Elapsed Time (minutes) | Temperature (00) |
3 | Ý |
6 | Ý |
9 | Ý |
12 | Ý |
15 | Ý |
Water Temperature: ____________oC
Time required to reach water temperature (above) when insulating sheath is used: ______minutes |
How well does the tile conduct the heat of the hot plate? Would tile be useful as insulation? Why or why not? What about the plywood?
2. How do you think the thickness of the insulation bat affects its insulating ability?
The sunís warmth and light can make a good house even better. Think about your own familyís activities and then design the interior room arrangement of an energy-efficient, passive solar home, performing the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, gather additional information.
Home ventilation is the controlled intake of fresh air, its circulation, and its exhaust. Average home construction results in inside air being exchanged one time each hour. Tight construction can reduce this to perhaps one-half an air change per hour. Fresh air enters the house through windows, doors, intake louvers on comfort-conditioning equipment, and infiltration or leakage. Many new homes have kitchen and/or bathroom exhaust fans that tend to induce a flow of outside air by reducing inside pressure slightly. Outside air is sometimes supplied to the fireplace grate. Vents are always included in attic or crawl spaces to reduce humidity.
Using your personal knowledge, perform the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, gather additional information to substantiate your statements.
Heating is very important in Tennessee Valley homes because we have many cold days and nights. Using your personal knowledge, perform the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, find information to substantiate your choice. You may be able to get a fast overview of heating system types by talking to a heating contractor.
A. Room Heaters
a. electric resistance
b. wood
c. gas
d. oil
e. coal solar
B. Central Heating Systems (circulating heated water or warm air)
a. electric resistance
b. heat pump
c. gas
d. oil
e. coal
f. wood
Homes in the Tennessee Valley often have window air-conditioners or central air-conditioning systems which use compressors and refrigerants to cool and dehumidify inside air. Using your personal knowledge, perform the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, gather additional information to substantiate your choice (You may want to talk with a cooling systems contractor for more information).
Activity 9: Lighting and Appliances
The category "Lighting and Appliances" usually accounts for just over 20 percent of the energy consumption in an average Tennessee Valley all-electric home. Typically the big three users are heating (44 percent), hot water (22 percent), and cooling (12 percent). Lighting consumes about 10 percent of the electricity used in a typical home. The lesser three are refrigeration (5 percent), cooking (4 percent), and clothes drying (3 percent). Your job is to select a new home lighting system, explore ways to select energy-efficient appliances, and make suggestions for managing home energy use wisely Perform the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, gather additional information to substantiate your conclusions.
range with oven | 1152 | clothes dryer | 1000 |
microwave oven | 300 | clothes washer | 624 |
frying pan | 190 | dishwasher | 1560 |
coffee maker | 110 | hand iron | 150 |
toaster | 40 | color tv, solid state | 440 |
clock | 18 | b&w tv, solid state | 120 |
mixer | 10 | ||
refrigerator/freezer, 17 cu ft, 2-dr, auto defrost | 1200 | radio/phonograph | 110 |
attic fan | 300 | vacuum cleaner | 50 |
ceiling fan | 130 | electric blanket | 150 |
dehumidifier | 400 |
Select one appliance that uses a lot of energy and find out (1) if annual average energy use for different brands are available, (2) how three brands with the same features compare in energy consumption, and (3) if the number given in this table is reasonably accurate.
3. For the appliance selected, list some measures which, if followed, will reduce its energy consumption
Activity 10: Domestic Hot Water
The average Tennessee Valley family uses approximately 5,400 kilowatthours of electricity in a year to heat water. Using your personal knowledge, perform the following procedure. Afterwards, at home or in the library, gather additional information to substantiate your conclusions.
a. Fix leaking faucets
b. Use shower flow restrictors.
c. Insulate your water heater.
d. Set the water heater thermostat at a lower temperature, if possible
e. Take showers instead of baths.
f. Take cooler showers and make them short.
g. Try washing clothes with cold water
Discuss these with other members of your group and with your parents. Check your own home for compliance.
2. List the advantages and disadvantages of the following kinds of water heaters (if you do not know how they work, find out):
a. electric water heater
b. gas water heater
c. heat pump water heater
d. simple solar preheater for water (water runs through a garden hose inside a solar
collector box before filling the water heater)e. solar water heater
3. If an electric water heater uses 5,400 kilowatthours annually and a natural gas water heater uses 25,000 cubic feet of natural gas, determine how much each will cost to run annually. Your local gas and electric utilities can help you.
4. Select a water heater for a new home and explain your choice.
Activity 11: Energy Waste Management
Managing energy use and waste in the home can be a difficult subject to understand. Three important elements of energy waste management are preheating, heat exchanging, and recycling. Although these are most commonly though of as being practical for industries, large buildings (like schools and office buildings), and other large energy consumers, homeowners can benefit from energy waste management, too. From your personal knowledge, answer the following questions. Afterwards, at home or in the library, gather additional information for your presentation.
This is one of the many activities that we completed in our study of solar energy.
The title of the book that we got the solar experiments from is "At Home with the Sun", written by Michael J. Daley. It is designed for ages 6-12 and can be purchased for $7.95 from
PSP: Professor Solar Press
RFD #3, Box 627
Putney, VT 05346
"At Home with the Sun" has a good introduction to solar energy, a solar glossary and ten fun solar experiments.
Check Out Some Other Solar Cookers
You will need:
The pizza boxes were donated by Pizza Hut.
We had a lot of help from
the President of Solar Works, Leigh
He took much of his valuable time to introduce us to concepts about Solar Energy.
Thank You SolarWorks of Montpelier, Vermont!
Thank you Pizza Hut of Berlin, Vermont!
Principles of Solar Box Cooker Design
By Mark Aalfs, Solar Cookers International
The purpose of this paper is to
summarize the basic principles that are used in the design of solar box
People use solar cookers primarily to cook food and pasteurize water, although additional uses are continually being developed. Numerous factors including access to materials, availability of traditional cooking fuels, climate, food preferences, cultural factors, and technical capabilities, affect people's approach to solar cooking.
With an understanding of basic principles of solar energy and access to simple materials such as cardboard, aluminum foil, and glass, one can build an effective solar cooking device. This paper outlines the basic principles of solar box cooker design and identifies a broad range of potentially useful construction materials.
These principles are presented in general terms so that they are applicable to a wide variety of design problems. Whether the need is to cook food, pasteurize water, or dry fish or grain; the basic principles of solar, heat transfer, and materials apply. We look forward to the application of a wide variety of materials and techniques as people make direct use of the sun's energy.
The following are the general concepts relevant to the design or modification of a solar box cooker:
Heat Principles
Materials Requirements
Design and Proportion
Solar Box Cooker Operation
Cultural Factors
Back to the top
The basic purpose of a solar box cooker is to heat things up - cook food, purify water, and sterilize instruments - to mention a few.
A solar box cooks because the interior of the box is heated by the energy of the sun. Sunlight, both direct and reflected, enters the solar box through the glass or plastic top. It turns to heat energy when it is absorbed by the dark absorber plate and cooking pots. This heat input causes the temperature inside of the solar box cooker to rise until the heat loss of the cooker is equal to the solar heat gain. Temperatures sufficient for cooking food and pasteurizing water are easily achieved.
Given two boxes that have the same heat retention capabilities, the one that has more gain, from stronger sunlight or additional sunlight via a reflector, will be hotter inside.
Given two boxes that have equal heat gain, the one that has more heat retention capabilities - better insulated walls, bottom, and top - will reach a higher interior temperature.
The following heating principles will be considered first:
Principles: Heat gain, Heat loss, Heat storage | Materials Requirements
Design and Proportion | Solar Box Cooker Operation | Cultural Factors | To top
Greenhouse effect:Ý This effect results in the heating of enclosed spaces into which the sun shines through a transparent material such as glass or plastic. Visible light easily passes through the glass and is absorbed and reflected by materials within the enclosed space.
The light energy that is absorbed by dark pots and the
dark absorber plate underneath the pots is converted into longer wavelength heat
energy and radiates from the interior materials. Most of this radiant energy,
because it is of a longer wavelength, cannot pass back out through the glass and
is therefore trapped within the enclosed space.
The reflected light is either absorbed by other materials within the space or, because it doesn't change wavelength, passes back out through the glass. Critical to solar cooker performance, the heat that is collected by the dark metal absorber plate and pots is conducted through those materials to heat and cook the food. | |
Glass orientation:Ý The more directly the glass faces the sun, the greater the solar heat gain. Although the glass is the same size on box 1 and box 2, more sun shines through the glass on box 2 because it faces the sun more directly. Note that box 2 also has more wall area through which to lose heat. | |
Reflectors, additional gain:Ý Single or multiple reflectors bounce additional sunlight through the glass and into the solar box. This additional input of solar energy results in higher cooker temperatures. |
Principles: Heat gain, Heat loss, Heat storage | Materials Requirements
Design and Proportion | Solar Box Cooker Operation | Cultural Factors | To top
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that heat always travels from hot to cold. Heat within a solar box cooker is lost in three fundamental ways: Conduction, Radiation, and Convection
The handle of a metal pan on a stove or fire becomes hot through the transfer of heat from the fire through the materials of the pan, to the materials of the handle. In the same way, heat within a solar box is lost when it travels through the molecules of tin foil, glass, cardboard, air, and insulation, to the air outside of the box.
The solar heated absorber plate conducts
heat to the bottoms of the pots. To prevent loss of this heat via conduction
through the bottom of the cooker, the absorber plate is raised from the bottom
using small insulating spacers as in figure 6.
Radiation: Things that are warm or hot -- fires, stoves, or pots and food within a solar box cooker -- give off heat waves, or radiate heat to their surroundings. These heat waves are radiated from warm objects through air or space. Most of the radiant heat given off by the warm pots within a solar box is reflected from the foil and glass back to the pots and bottom tray. Although the transparent glazings do trap most of the radiant heat, some does escape directly through the glazing. Glass traps radiant heat better than most plastics. Convection: Molecules of air move in and out of the box through cracks. They convect. Heated air molecules within a solar box escape, primarily through the cracks around the top lid, a side "oven door" opening, or construction imperfections. Cooler air from outside the box also enters through these openings. |
As the density and weight of the materials within
the insulated shell of a solar box cooker increase, the capacity of the box to
hold heat increases. The interior of a box including heavy materials such as
rocks, bricks, heavy pans, water, or heavy foods will take longer to heat up
because of this additional heat storage capacity. The incoming energy is stored
as heat in these heavy materials, slowing down the heating of the air in the
These dense materials, charged with heat, will radiate that heat within the box, keeping it warm for a longer period at the day's end.
Heat Principles: Heat gain, Heat
loss, Heat storage | Materials Requirements
Design and Proportion | Solar Box Cooker Operation | Cultural Factors | To top34
Objective: 3600-0702
ILO's: #1a.
Make observations and measurements. d. Make predictions based on current
knowledge. #2b. Formulate hypothesis. d. Collect and record data. e. Analyze
data. g. Construct models and simulations. #4d. Recognize the personal relevance
of science in daily life. e. Respect the contributions of science to the quality
of life. #6d. Construct charts to summarize data.
Learning Objectives:
Materials, equipment and/or facilities:
Sequence and duration of each part of lesson:
5 to 10 Minutes
Ask students to list different window coverings which they
have observed in their home, school, car, or other enclosed structures. Write
their ideas on the board and then ask which covering they believe best limits
the flow of heat. Which do they think keeps the inside of a home warmest/coolest
in the summer/winter? Inform them that the following experiment will help them
to answer these questions.
Set-up: 10 to 15 Minutes
Assign students to:
Each student should construct a chart to record the beaker number, temperature of water for each beaker, and the type of window covering. Set the beakers in a sunny location.
Wait time: Approximately 30 Minutes
Time must be allowed for the
water to absorb the heat energy from the sun that passes through the covering.
During this period, a teacher may develop an original activity for students or
may choose from the following:
Results and Conclusions: 10 to 15 Minutes
Return to the beakers. To
insure uniformity, the teacher should read to the students the new temperature
of the water in each beaker and have each student carefully record these results
on their chart. Ask students to write their conclusions about which materials
best control the flow of heat. Have them answer the following questions:
Evaluation: A teacher may determine whether or not the student objectives have been met through asking the questions in the conclusion sections.
Variations: Students may investigate the absorption of different colors or materials to determine which clothes might be best to wear in the summer or winter. They may also test the quality of various sunglass lenses or brands of sunscreen.
1. Passive Solar Energy MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
2. Solar Energy MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3. Solar Home MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
4. Solar Collecting Panels MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
5. Solar Heating MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
6. Photovoltaic Cells MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
7. Solar Energy MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
8. Solar Maximum Mission MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
9. "THE ENERGY STORY." (08/27/01 20:52:59)
10. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 1 - What Is Energy?." (08/27/01 20:53:29)
11. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 2 - What Is Electricity?." (08/27/01 20:53:56)
12. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 3 - Generators, Turbines and Power Plants." (08/27/01 20:54:13)
13. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 4 - Geothermal Energy." (08/27/01 20:55:04)
14. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 5 - Fossil Fuels - Coal, Oil and Natural Gas." (08/27/01 20:55:17)
15. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 6 - Hydro Power." (08/27/01 20:55:29)
16. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 7 - Nuclear Energy - Fission and Fusion." (08/27/01 20:55:42)
17. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 8 - Ocean Energy." (08/27/01 20:55:55)
18. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 9 - Solar Energy." (08/27/01 20:56:09)
19. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 10 - Wind Energy." (08/27/01 20:56:23)
20. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 14: Biomass Energy." (08/27/01 20:57:48)
21. "THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 15 - Saving Energy and Energy Conservation." (08/27/01 20:59:35)
22. "SOLAR ENERGY." (08/27/01 21:02:45)
23. "SOLAR ENERGY." (08/27/01 21:03:10)
24. "Key Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering UNSW - Solar Cells." (08/27/01 21:08:19)
25. "A Look at Solar Energy." (08/27/01 21:14:48)
26. (08/27/01 21:16:32)
27. (08/27/01 21:17:06)
28. "Alliance to Save Energy -- The Electric Hookup Exercise." (08/27/01 21:19:07)
29. "Energy: The Issue of Renewable Energy Lesson Plan." (08/27/01 21:19:58)
30. "Cheaper Heat." (08/27/01 21:20:25)
31. "Absorption and Reflection of Solar Energy." (08/27/01 21:22:54)
32. "Energy-Efficient Homes -- High School Lesson Plans." (08/27/01 21:24:49)
33. "Pizza Box Solar Cooker." (08/27/01 21:25:35)
34. "Principles of Solar Cooker Design." (08/27/01 21:27:17)
35. "Let the Sunshine In." (08/27/01 21:28:41)
"A Look at Solar Energy." (08/27/01 21:14:48)
"Absorption and Reflection of Solar Energy." (08/27/01 21:22:54)
"Alliance to Save Energy -- The Electric Hookup Exercise." (08/27/01 21:19:07)
"Cheaper Heat." (08/27/01 21:20:25)
"Energy-Efficient Homes -- High School Lesson Plans." (08/27/01 21:24:49)
"Energy: The Issue of Renewable Energy Lesson Plan." (08/27/01 21:19:58)
"Key Centre for Photovoltaic Engineering UNSW - Solar Cells." (08/27/01 21:08:19)
"Let the Sunshine In." (08/27/01 21:28:41)
"Pizza Box Solar Cooker." (08/27/01 21:25:35)
"Principles of Solar Cooker Design." (08/27/01 21:27:17)
"SOLAR ENERGY." (08/27/01 21:02:45)
"SOLAR ENERGY." (08/27/01 21:03:10)
"THE ENERGY STORY." (08/27/01 20:52:59)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 1 - What Is Energy?." (08/27/01 20:53:29)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 10 - Wind Energy." (08/27/01 20:56:23)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 14: Biomass Energy." (08/27/01 20:57:48)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 15 - Saving Energy and Energy Conservation." (08/27/01 20:59:35)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 2 - What Is Electricity?." (08/27/01 20:53:56)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 3 - Generators, Turbines and Power Plants." (08/27/01 20:54:13)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 4 - Geothermal Energy." (08/27/01 20:55:04)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 5 - Fossil Fuels - Coal, Oil and Natural Gas." (08/27/01 20:55:17)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 6 - Hydro Power." (08/27/01 20:55:29)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 7 - Nuclear Energy - Fission and Fusion." (08/27/01 20:55:42)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 8 - Ocean Energy." (08/27/01 20:55:55)
"THE ENERGY STORY: Chapter 9 - Solar Energy." (08/27/01 20:56:09) (08/27/01 21:16:32) (08/27/01 21:17:06)
Solar Energy MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solar Heating MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solar Home MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Photovoltaic Cells MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solar Collecting Panels MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Passive Solar Energy MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solar Maximum Mission MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Solar Energy MicrosoftÆ EncartaÆ Encyclopedia 2001. © 1993-2000 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.