Design to Learn is a summer program for middle school students developed by a group of biologists and science educators. The goals are to enrich science teaching in public middle schools and to encourage students to continue their studies of science. During four summer workshops per year for three years, the program will train 120 teachers to use innovative methods and exercises and then have them teach those exercises to 600 students in a science camp atmosphere. Students will participate in activities for three hours each day for five days. In each session, two teachers will work with 10 students, guiding them through a diverse set of science exercises that engage them in active learning using design techniques, discovery, observation, measurement, model-building, hands-on activities, and collaborative group learning—techniques used by scientists themselves in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding.


Format: summer science camp

Area Served: Triangle area of NC and surrounding counties

Program dates: one week sessions for students

Open to: grades 5-8

Application: recruitment by classroom teachers

Requirements: none, except being chosen by classroom teachers

Contact: Norman Budnitz, Ph.D.

Address:Center for Inquiry-Based Learning
Department of Biology, Duke University
Box 90338
Durham, NC 27708-0338

Phone: (919) 684-3592
Fax: (919) 660-7293

Links: Center for Inquiry-Based Learning

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