A Student's View of the Summer Institute
A Day At The Summer Institute for a first year student
First impressions
When you first approach Durham Academy to attend the Summer Institute all you see is a school. The first thing that comes to mind is hard work and how you don't want to be here. You wouldn't think that it is an independent school that teaches 1,023 students. That offers help in all subjects. It gives the privilege of the Summer Institute to public school students in Durham, Orange County, and Chapel Hill. The Summer Institute has been around about ten years. It introduces its students to things they probably wouldn't see in school. It enhances students interest in the sceinces and computers, a needed push for the future.
The first activity on a first year students schedule are Seminars. They have no set objective accept to learn and to have fun at it. People like doctors and professionals come in to talk to the students about any topic that they please. For example a computer student taught self defense and a computer programer talked about bike riding and how being involved helps a student do better. Seminars can consist of movies and working on research projects. Basiclly alot of fun. Recently students are learning about Ebola and the immune system. Research projects vary per student. This year students have the choice between the Eno River, Duke Primate center, Neuse River, and Occoneechee Mountains. They are all interesting, fun, and educational. Seminars last from 8:15-11:15.
You would think with all the money Durham Academy has that it would provide free lunch or a least a lunch room. Therefore you the student are forced to bring lunch or buy a $1.50 pizza slice. I suggest you bring your own lunch. The good thing is students get to socialize whereever and with whomever they want. Lunch last from 11:15-12:15.
Computer class
Computer class is taught by Mrs. Enberg who is a really nice teacher. She teachs students how to use the desktop and how to create newsletters. Computer class is the best time of day for a first year student. Learning and having fun are on the same level. Students are allowed to be creative using new skills learned in class. Students have recently designed their own art works, name plates, trucks, and yearbooks. The best thing about computer class is that skills learned in the class room can be applied outside of class and that everything you make is original and only you decide how the final product looks. You understand your own computer better after computer class. Computer class last from 12:15-1:40 p.m.
Web Page
Web Page is taught by Joseph Bufanda. Students are taught the HTML language, basic structure, text formatting, lists, tables, and graphics. Creating their own personal web page is something a student would never be able to do in public school. Your first web page is all about you and what ever you want to tell the public. Again the final product is all up to you. It is so much fun search the web for picture. It's nice to finally understand web pages and what goes into making a web page. Take it from a student the only hard thing about web page is expressing whatever it is that you want to say. Web Page last from 1:50-3:15.
Well that's just the first two weeks but stay tuned to hear about the last three weeks. This is Emm reporting as a student of Summer Institute.
All facts about the Summer Institute were provided by the following
Summer Institute

Made June 2000