Third Year Internships
[Current 2000 Internships]
This summer there are 26 students in internships spread around the Triangle area. Nine were learning various aspects of computers and business while at IBM, which has been supportive of the interns for several years. Another strong supporter, Duke Medical Center, has often accepted Summer Institute students in the areas of biomedical engineering, embryology, infectious diseases, and other areas. Students create resumes their Second Year in order to be placed in the internship, which every effort is made to match them with their interests. Several students have shown an interest in forensic science, and were placed at the Durham and Chapel Hill Police stations.
Moreover, the Summer Institute does not limit students in their choice of field to just the traditional sciences and mathematics. Instead of just shadowing a doctor, some students interested in Pediatrics have learned about small children while interning at a preschool
[Past Internships]
In past years, students have also been located at the following:
- Carver Street Animal Hospital
- Duke University
- Tumor Microcirculation
- Blood Coagulation Factors Laboratory
- Department of Infectious Diseases at Duke University
- Primate Center
- Duke Summer Science Program
- Engineering Research Center
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Environmental Engineering
- ProActive Sports Therapy
- Research Triangle Institute Preschool
- Carolina Sports Physical Therapy
- Architect's Office
[1998 Graduates' Final Thoughts]
- "I learned to push myself and learned to test my limits."
- "My internship was awesome, I can't think of how it could be better. I'm even staying longer."
- "I learned so much this summer! I had so many opportunities associated with the internship."
- "Oh, yes. I benefited very much. This program has allowed me to discover more jobs; it also helped me understand math and science better."

Last update: July 20, 2000