The Summer Institute is a learning experience for students in public schools in Durham, Orange County, and Chapel Hill/Carrboro who are interested in Science, Mathematics, or Computing careers. Jointly sponsored by Durham Academy, Durham Public, Orange County, and Chapel Hill/Carrboro School Systems, as well as local corporations, the Summer Institute is designed as a continuing program to help students obtain, through two summers of instruction and a third summer of internship, the kinds of experience that will prepare them for science-related careers. A tuition-free enrichment program, the Summer Institute is designed to stimulate interest in the sciences and to encourage students to pursue careers in the sciences, engineering, and technology.
The Instructional Program
The Summer Institute has small classes, highly qualified and enthusiastic teachers, and well-equipped classrooms and facilities. The Institute's programs supplement and enrich the usual high school programs, but do not replace them. A student may attend the summer program for three years starting as a rising ninth grader. The first two years focus on classroom enrichment in the Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Earth/Natural), Mathematics (Problem Solving, Geometry, Mathematical Modeling, Programming), and the Language Arts (including SAT I preparation, High School transition). In addition to in-class activities, students take field trips, visit labortories, complete seminar data collection, and meet with working scientists. During the third year of the program, students will be placed in internships in local corporations and universities.
Term - mid June to mid July
The Summer Institute runs on a five-week term, five days a week between the hours of 8:15 AM and 3:30 PM. As field trips demand, on some days schedules will be extended to later times. Students are expected to attend the full term.
The 89 participants are students in the Durham and Orange Public Schools. Students enter the Summer Institute as rising ninth graders and participate for three consecutive summers, culminating with mentorships in area laboratories and research facilities. In selecting students for the Summer Institute, special consideration is given to female and minority applicants, two groups traditionally under-represented in the fields of science, mathematics, and computer studies. For the 2000 Summer Institute 51.7 percent of the participants are female and 66 percent are minority.
Rising ninth graders in Durham Public, Orange County, and Chapel Hill/Carrboro Schools are eligible to apply. Applicants must have demonstrated an aptitude and enthusiasm for the Sciences; be able to attend the full five weeks; and have the recommendation of their school. The Summer Institute will give consideration to students whose abilities are not accurately reflected in grades and standardized test scores.
The Institute is supported by generous grants from local corporations, foundations, and individuals, which cover tuition, educational materials, and transportation for field trips. The Institute will provide bus transportation from a limited number of points in Durham, Orange County, and Chapel Hill/Carrboro to the Durham Academy Upper School campus. Otherwise students are responsible for their own transportation to the campus at 3601 Ridge Road in Durham. There are no cafeteria facilities on the campus; therefore, students must be provided with lunch and a snack.


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