The Heart Stopper Data Table

Student Worksheet


  1. Pump the bottle as many times as your heart beats in one minute in the inactive mode. Note any difficulty the pumper might have had.
  2. Collect the water in the beakers and measure it. Record the measurement.
  3. Insert the smallest (2mm) screw in the end of the short tube and secure it with a clothespin.
  4. Repeat steps one and two.
  5. Replace the screw, increase the size of the screw used, pump, measure the water output, and record the data until you have data for each sized screw.

Pump and Blockages Effort Needed Fluid in Beaker #1 Fluid in Beaker #2
Pump the number of times
heart beats per minute
Pump with screw #1      
Pump with screw #2      
Pump with screw #3      
Pump with screw #4      

Plot the amount of fluid (representing blood) that passes from your pump (representing the heart) through the tubing (representing the artery). Predict what will happen if an artery to the hear is slightly blocked while the artery to the rest of the body is not. _________________________________________________________________________

Predict what will happen if an artery to the heart is completelty bolcked. _________________________________________________________________________

Attach your graph of fluid collected vs. size of blockage to this page.

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