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Project directors should administer Burroughs Wellcome Fund Student Feedback Surveys to all students who have participated in the project for a minimum of 10 hours during the year. All surveys should be returned to TECT with an attached cover sheet within two weeks of completing the project.
BWF Student Science Enrichment Program
Revised January 2004
The Cover Sheet and Student Feedback Survey request information to inform the Burroughs Wellcome Fund about students' perceptions of SSEP activities. The same information will be helpful to you in improving your program and should be incorporated in your SSEP Annual Progress Report.
Each batch of surveys you send us should be accompanied by a Cover Sheet. If students in your project are divided into subgroups (e.g., by project component or location), use a separate Cover Sheet for each subgroup. In return, we will send you survey data for each subgroup. We will do our best to send you your data (in Word and Excel formats) within one month of when we receive it.
The Student Feedback Survey should be administered to participating students at or near the close of major project activities, with two important exceptions:
Mail your surveys to us within two weeks of administering them. The Annual Program Evaluation Report will include data for projects that ended between July 1 and the following June 30. Data that are not received by July 15 will not be included in the annual report.
Mail surveys to:
The Education Consulting Team
c/o Sally L. Bond
75 Eagle Point Road
Pittsboro, NC 27312
If you have any questions about who should complete the survey, or about the SSEP program evaluation in general, contact Sally Bond at (919) 932-7273 or usbond@mindspring.com