Now have them set "Show Iteration Zero" from the Options menu. At this point, the picture on their screen should
be something like this:

Ask the students how much area is bounded by the black and green lines in this
figure. (They will have to decide on a unit size, or, depending on the chaos you think
that would cause, you may wish to decide for them.) Suppose that we set one step on the grid
to be one unit length. That gives the initial square an area of nine. (An alternative
would be to set the unit length equal to three steps on the grid, giving the original
square the convenient area of one).
Now set the number of iterations to two. What is the new area? (Note: it
may be difficult at first for them to realize what the "bounded area" is, since
the new curve just touches itself at the corners.

Refer them to their graph paper
version of the fractal, and have them color in the bounded area. Moving the second and fifth control
points slightly (with Snap to Grid turned off) can give a better sense of how the
curve is actually shaped, as well.
Increase the number of iterations by one and have the students figure out
what the area is now. This figure may be a bit daunting at first,

but a simple problem solving strategy can help out.
If they again refer to the graph paper version, and this time color-code the area
by iteration--that is, color the large square from the first iteration blue,
the five smaller squares from the second iteration green, and the
25 smallest squares from the third iteration red.
Again, they can use the method of counting the number of squares, calculating
the area of one square, and then multiplying to get the total added area.
Increase the number of iterations again. This is the last iteration in
which the shape of the curve is still clearly visible:

Ask the students what would happen eventually if we kept
increasing the number of iterations. They can experiment by increasing the
iterations. What do they notice? Will the total area keep getting bigger?
The area will continue to increase, but it increases by a smaller amount each time.
Notice how, as the iterations increase, the overall shape of the pattern seems to
be "filling" a triangle. What is the area of that traingle? Will the area bounded
by the curve ever get bigger than that area?