Shodor Computational Science Institute

July 9, 2000

[ SCSI Hyper-Syllabus ]

Reception on Sunday Evening

The group met in the lobby of App Heights for some refreshments and a few opening activities...
Cynthia and Morris

Lee and Erin

Cynthia, Morris, Mitsue and Robin

The participants were asked to come up with as many models as they could with a piece of rope and a ball. Here is a list of the ideas that were mentioned at the reception.

Robin and Mitsue


trajectory/quadratice function

reflection of bounce

Lee and Erin


different integral signs

Zodiac symbols: taurus and venus

comet with tail

Closed curve: simple or compound

surface of revolution

Cynthia and Morris

freely jointed/flexible polymer

persistence length of polymer


spin of baseball

drag in fluid mechanics

Dwyane and Mark

students who don't study

Paul and Jeremy

comparison throwing

breaking the sound barrier through whipping rope

comparison of floating properties

comparison of combustion

Sandy and Carolyn

probability/Buffon's needle-like experiment

Jose and Bob H.

transverse wave


powers of two

inclined plane

Doug, Ermelinda and Jennie


belt, necklace, hairband

trig functions

centrifugal force

earth orbit around sun


geometric figures

Robin and Bob T

wind resistance

moss collecting on rolling stone


pre-Galileo model of planets

Last Update: July 11, 2000
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