Shodor Computational Science Institute

[ SCSI Hyper-Syllabus ]


Dan debriefs on yesterday's problem of the day, and hands out the new problem of the day.

Chemical Reactions and Metabolic Pathways

In chemical reactions there is always both a forward and backward reaction rate. So while we speak of the reaction that turns A into B, it is really more correct to think of the reaction as a two way street. That is, while some A molecules are transforming into B, some B molecules are transforming back into A. If the forward rate is faster than the backward rate, the reaction goes forward, so determining the relative magnitudes of the rates is an important question for biologists and chemists studying cell metabolism...

Next was a break before mini-sessions...

Those who didn't attend particular mini-sessions, worked hard in lab on their projects...


The first session of the day was a Maple mini-session. This mini-session was done by Dan and Dr. Doug Lessie.


The first session in the afternoon was Holly Hirst presenting Excel.


The next session was Bob presenting the ChemViz software package.

Computational Science and Bioinformatics at NCCU

After the ChemViz session, Shawn presented his CS and BI Course.


The last session was Holly giving a brief intro to Mathematica, comparing its basic features to those of maple...

After the mini-sessions many of the visiting professors visited Jose's Mountain house in Beech Mtn. Thanks, Jose!!!

Last Update: July 20, 2000
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