WEEK A -- MONDAYStarting early, Bob Panoff kicks off an introduction to mathematical modeling. He then gave a demonstration with eggs. Afterwards, the class experimented with boxes of straws -- what can you discern from the outside of the box?
That afternoon, the class separated into groups and did a bungee jumping experiment with eggs. The experiment is as follows:
Given four rubber bands, an egg with netting and a meter stick. Determine how many rubber bands would be needed for the egg the "bungee jump" a distance of 2 meters without breaking.
Bungee Jumping Eggs.
The results of the experiment are tabulated below
The class spent Monday evening in the Appalachian Math Department's new Mac Lab. Here they explored a number of computational models available on the web. Last Update: July 10, 2000 Please direct questions and comments about this page to WebMaster@shodor.org © Copyright 1999 The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc. |