Shodor Computational Science Institute

The Falling Rabbit Model with
Air Proportional to Velocity^3

Dr. Holly Hirst
Appalachian State University
The Shodor Education Foundation
June 1998

Open the Toolkit:

> with(DEtools):

Solve Symbolically

> dsolve({diff(y(x),x$2)=-32 - 2/5*diff(y(x),x)^3, y(0)=10, D(y)(0)=0}, y(x));

[Maple Math]
[Maple Math]


Solve Numerically

> DEplot(diff(y(x),x$2)=-32 - 2/5*diff(y(x),x)^3, y(x), x=0..3, [[y(0)=10, D(y)(0)=0]], y=0..10, stepsize=0.01);

[Maple Plot]


More About Maple

Last update on: June 1, 1998
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