Join the National Board of CSERD Reviewers!

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The Computational Science Education Reference Desk (CSERD), a Pathways project of the National Science Digital Library, provides access to computational science resources that are aligned to teaching and learning for K-12 and undergraduate science, technology, engineering and mathematics communities.

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People with diverse backgrounds and interests are needed!

The CSERD-NSDL project is recruiting researchers, scientists, educators, youth program leaders, technologists, and interested individuals to become a member of the National CSERD Board of Reviewers to ensure that the resources available through CSERD-NSDL have been reviewed as high quality resources. Educators accessing materials from this electronic library will know that they are using materials that have been reviewed as quality resources for teaching and learning at the grade level(s) of their interest. Educators and learners will be encouraged to provide feedback on their use of these materials for the benefit of other educators and for the further development of the materials.

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Gain national recognition for your contributions to the NSF program!

As a reviewer you will become a member of the National CSERD-NSDL Review Board and receive recognition for your contributions to the education community. You and your institution will receive letters of recognition for your contribution to this very worthwhile endeavor to ensure that the resources used in classrooms are of high quality and aligned to the learning requirements, such as state and national teaching and learning goals for K-12 materials. You will also have the opportunity to both contribute and identify resources that should receive high priority for review by other members of the National CSERD-NSDL Review Board.


Join a national team with that focuses on high quality educational resources!

The Shodor Education Foundation is leading the CSERD-NSDL project funded in part by the National Science Foundation in collaboration with a number of other institutions. Since 1994, the Shodor Education Foundation has conducted research and educational outreach to advance science and mathematics education through numerical models, data visualization, and simulation. Through the National Computational Science Institute and the Mentor Center at Shodor, scientists and educators integrate materials development, faculty enhancement, and student enrichment to apply computational science tools and technologies to all learning levels. Shodor has developed a special focus and expertise on undergraduate education and teacher preparation. With numerous awards for its interactive and computational exploration environments, Shodor's web site serves several hundred thousand visitors per month.

Become a member of the National CSERD-NSDL Board of Reviewers today!

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