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Project TitleParallel Computing Intern
SummaryThis undergraduate student internship will involve developing parallel codes for the simulation of charge and thermal transport in semiconductor materials and devices based on the Monte Carlo method for the solution of the Boltmann transport equation.
Job DescriptionThe intern will be part of a tight-knit research group with diverse research interests relating to numerical device simulation and ranging from quantum transport, graphene/carbon nanotube/nanoribbon devices, silicon MOSFETs, to quantum cascade lasers. The main focus of the internship will be on the Monte Carlo method for the simulation of electronic and thermal transport in semiconductor devices and thermoelectrics. The intern will develop a simple but powerful and scalable numerical simulation code utilizing a combination of either C/MPI or Matlab/CUDA platforms. The intern will test the code on a cluster or GPU-enabled workstation in the Nanoelectronics Theory Group at the UW-Madison. The final code will be equipped with a RAPPTURE user interface and deployed on the on-line simulation and education resource, thereby making the final product accessable and useful to the broader nanoscience and simulation community. The finished tool will be used in undergraduate lectures as a parallel computing learning resource. This position will require some background in solid-state electronics, as well as a strong programming skill in either C, Fortran, or Matlab. The intern will gain valuable skills in both parallel/high-performance computing and numerical simulation in the context of semiconductor device engineering and applied nanscience.
Conditions/QualificationsUndergraduate physics or electrical engineering background
Some knowledge of solid-state electronics preferred
Must be an undergraduate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Strong background in either C/C++/Fortran/Matlab
Start Date05/17/2010
End Date08/20/2010
LocationNanoelectronics Theory Group
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
University of Wisconsin-Madison
1415 Engineering Hall
Madison, WI 53706
James Endres