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Blue Waters 2011 Petascale Institute

Day 01 - Introduction to Petascale

Day 1 Undergraduate Petascale Institute

(9:00 AM - 12:15 PM) Morning Session


  • Introduction to this Petascale Workshop (40 min, BP)
  • Computation across the curriculum (30 min, CP)
  • Initializing the positions of molecules in a drop of water simulation (20 min, BP)
  • Break (15 min)
  • Parallel computing and time-to-science (45 min, CP/AFG)
    • Speed-up realized with parallelization
    • Architecture and parallelization approach
    • Observed speed-ups, and theoretical limits
  • A brief Introduction to Scientific Computing: what it is and why we do it. (45 min, BP)


  • Computational Methods Across the Curriculum ( .pdf ) - Presentation on use of computational methods in various fields.
  • Drop of Water ( .xls ) - Excel file to calculate the time required to assign the position of every molecule in a drop of water.
  • Time to Science ( .xls ) - Excel file that presents a graph of compute time vs. number of compute cores, with adjustable sliders
  • Introduction to Scientific Computing ( .pdf )

(12:15 PM - 1:15 PM) Lunch

(1:15 PM - 5:00 PM) Afternoon session


  • What is Supercomputing? In addition to talking about the biggest, most powerful computers today, what does it entail? This session will attempt to answer some of the basic questions behind SuperComputing and provide an introduction to some of the most important concepts in the High Performance Computing (HPC) field. (60 min, HN)
  • Jigsaw Activity (45 min, SLM/AW)
  • Break (30 min)
  • Tyranny of Storage Hierarchy (80 min, HN)
  • Daily Survey (10 min, Everyone)


  • What is Supercomputing? ( .pdf / .ppt ) - Workshop overview presentation
  • Tutorial for batch on Sooner at the University of Oklahoma ( .doc / codes )
  • Tutorial for batch on Al-Salam at Earlham College ( .doc )

(5:30 PM - 6:30 PM) Dinner

(7:00 PM - 9:00 PM) Evening Lab Session

  • Matrix Multiply (120 min, SP)


Daily resources

  • Tiling Exercise ( .doc )
  • High Throughput Computing ( pdf / .ppt )
  • C Refresher ( .pdf [notes] / .pdf [no notes] )
  • Stupid Compiler Tricks! ( .pdf / .ppt ) - Compiler tricks presentation and code examples
  • Instruction Level Parallelism ( .pdf / .ppt )
  • Fun with Linux ( .pdf )
  • Storage Hierarchy ( .pdf / .ppt ) - Registers, Cache, Main Memory, Hard Disk...
  • OpenMP ( .pdf / .ppt ) - Introduction about OpenMP
  • Parallel Programming & Cluster Computing ( .pdf / .ppt )
  • Shared Memory Multithreading ( .pdf / .ppt )
  • Designing Parallel Code ( .pdf )

| Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Other Resources |