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General: Parallel Programing

General codes about Parallel Programming


Life Serial : Conway's Game of Life is a classic example of a cellular automaton. Each cell's next state is based on its neighbors' states. This implementation, written in C, runs Life over a single process on a single grid.

GalaxSee Serial : GalaxSee is a simple implementation of a classic gravitation N-Body simulation: the formation of a galaxy. This version has no parallelization, running with a single process.

Area Under a Curve Serial : This code sample presents a simple implementation, in C, of calculating the area under a curve (integration) using Riemann sums.

Eratosthenes Serial.c : Serial Eratosthenes using C.

Integrate.c : Area Under the Curve Example using C.

Integrate.cpp : Area Under the Curve Example using C++.

Integrate.F90 : Area Under the Curve Example using Fortran 90.

Tiling.c : Matrix-Matrix Multiplication in Parallel with Splitting to Take Advantage of the Memory Hierarchy using C.

Tiling.F90 : Matrix-Matrix Multiplication in Parallel with Splitting to Take Advantage of the Memory Hierarchy using Fortran 90.

Resource Usage : getrusage() example code. Header.

Resource Usage : getrusage() code example. Source.

NBody MPI-CUDA : NBody Simulation that uses MPI and CUDA