The development of Smog City was a collaborative community outreach effort between public agencies and private sector consultants. Funded by a grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Smog City is a copyright of the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District. Smog City is authorized for use as an educational and demonstration tool and may be downloaded for non-profit use by the general public, other agencies, associations, and educational institutions. Smog City: Copyright 1999 Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District.

Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District

Norm Covell Air Pollution Control Officer
Kerry Shearer Senior Communications and Marketing Specialist
Lori Kobza-Lee Communications and Marketing Specialist
Jamie Brown Communications and Marketing Specialist

Sonoma Technology, Inc.

Tim Dye Manager, Meteorological Programs
Donna Ladner Senior Software Engineer
Fred Lurmann President
Richard Arndt Senior Air Quality Analyst
Lyle Chinkin Vice President/General Manager
Siana Alcorn Data Analyst
Tami Haste-Funk Data Analyst
Dana Coe Senior Air Quality Analyst
Joe Kwiatkowski Meteorologist I
Mark Lilly Data/IT Technician
Jana Schwartz Publications Manager

David Rea Java Developer

1 Net
Scott Ray Web Developer
JHME Advertising Design PR
Carol Johnson Creative Director, Logo Design, and Illustration
Stymeist Enterprises
Joe Stymeist Illustrator