If you need some further hints about how to use this model then try the ideas below
Change the luminosity of the Sun [originally set at 1] by small amounts. Try 0.99, 0.98
What happens to the surface temperature ? Is this what you would expect ?
Now try larger values 1.01, 1.02 ....
Change the orbital distance of the Earth from the Sun [originally set at 1]. You could try
moving it a small distance i.e. 0.95 or 1.05.
What happens to the surface temperature ? Is this what you would expect ?
You could try moving the Earth to the Orbit of Mars [1.5] or the orbit of Jupiter [0.75]
Change the albedo of the Earth's surface. Make the surface completely covered in dark earth
with an albedo of 0.2 or completely covered in snow and ice with albedo 0.75.
What happens to the surface temperature ? Is this what you would expect ?
Finally you could change the long wave radiation constants of the atmosphere :
B1 which is a measure of the transmissivity of the atmosphere
B2 which is a measure of emmissivity of the surface