Main output
- Mean Temperature is the mean temperature
of the surface calculated with regard for relative land areas.
- Mean Albedo is the mean albedo
of the surface calculated with regard for relative land areas.
The parameters used in the model are :
- Solar Fraction is a number between
0 and 1 which represents the proportion of the incoming energy which
reaches the surface.
- Radiation Constant [A]
is one of the long wave radiation constants determining the terrestrial
energy radiated outward from the Earth.
- Radiation Constant [B]
is the other of the long wave radiation constants determining the terrestrial
energy radiated outward from the Earth.
- Transport Coefficient [C] is a number
which measures the degree to which latitudinal zones are in contact with
one another allowing transport of energy between them.
- Critical Temperature [Tc] is a temperature, in oC,
below which the surface is completely ice covered.
- Ice Albedo [Aice] is a number between 0 and 1 which represents
the proportion of the radiation incident on a surface of ice or snow which is reflected back.
Ice normally has an albedo of about 0.62.
- Surface Albedo are values for the
non ice covered surface albedoes which may be set by the user if non standard
i.e. reference albedoes are not required.
Control Input
- Loops
The number of loops the model is allowed to make before it stops.
- Accuracy
The difference between successive temperature calculations which must
be reached before the models stops.
Control Readout
- Loop
The number of loops the model is actually makes before it stops.
- Accuracy
The difference between successive temperature calculations which the
model actually reaches before it stops.
- Converge
Will be set to yes if the model reaches the accuracy set.
- Status
Gives you the condition the model is in i.e.reset or finished.
Reference Values
- Albedo
The surface albedoes which are built into the model these are the average
albedoes of the zones without ice cover.
- Temp
These are the zonal temperatures for the model starting situation.
Calculated Values
- Albedo
The surface albedoes which calculated by the model.
- Temp
The surface temperatures which calculated by the model.