Froude Calculator

Introduction : This calculator calculates the Froude number. In this calculator, you have five input values:
  1. Natural Wavelength (lamda)
  2. Hill Width (W)
  3. Hill Height (H)
  4. Brunt-Vaisala Frequency (NBV)
  5. Air Depth (hw)

The algorithm for the Froude number is:

Mathematical equation for froude number and wave drag

Froude Calculator

Input Values:

Natural Wavelength (lamda, in kilometers)
Hill Width (W, in kilometers)
Hill Height (H, in meters)
Brunt-Vaisala Frequency (NBV, in 1/second)
Air Depth (hw, in kilometers)


Froude Number
Angle of Wave Crests (degrees)
Wave Drag (meters/second)