Empirical Kinetics Modeling Approach (EKMA)

The Empirical Kinetics Modeling Approach, or EKMA, air quality model is a late 1970s - early 1980s EPA regulatory air quality model. This model is still on the "alternative" list of accepted EPA air quality models. We have included this model as representative of an early generation air quality model. The motivated student is also directed to our online version of this model, with complete documentation, a sample scenario, and two runnable interfaces (basic and advanced).

The key goal of EKMA is as follows:

  • to estimate the impact of controlling urban volatile organic compound (VOC) and/or NOx emissions on peak hourly ozone concentrations

EKMA is a set of procedures that allow scientists and/or regulatory consultants to study the complex problem of calculating and predicting hourly ozone concentrations for a specific location, such as a city. The approach uses a variety of tools and techniques, including data gathering and modification, the use of a specific air quality model (the Ozone Isopleth Plotting Package, or OZIP), and guidelines for interpreting and repeating calcuations to make predictions and decisions. It should be noted here that EKMA represents the entire approach to creating a control strategy to some specific air quality scenario, while OZIP is the name of the specific code that is used to implement EKMA.

The name itself is instructive of the underlying implementation of the approach:

  • Empirical refers to the use of observed (i.e. data from the field) ozone (O3) peaks to examine various strategies for reducing emissions, and thus reducing ozone levels
  • Kinetic modeling refers to the use of a well-established chemical model (built into the OZIP code) to simulate the transformation of the precursors of ozone (VOCs and NOx) into tropospheric ozone
  • Approach, as mentioned above, conveys the mindset that a series of steps and guidelines are used to successfully understand the air pollution situation

The central focus of the EKMA is the graph generated as the product of the use of the OZIP modeling package. This graph is known as an isopleth, meaning "equal concentrations". The isopleth, shown below, is a graph with the concentrations of VOC emissions on the horizontal axis and the concentrations of the NOx emissions on the vertical axis. The units are usually parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb). Graphic of ozone isopleth

VOC units are typically notated as ppmC, parts per million of carbon. The curved lines on the graph represent the concentration of ozone at values specified by the model user. For example, the model user can ask that a curve be drawn at every value of VOC and NOx where the concentration of ozone is 0.08 ppm, which also happens to be the standard for air quality. Typically the user will ask the model to print a series of isopleths, such as 0.08, 0.12, 0.16, 0.20, etc. The user then can use these isopleths to make decisions about reducing one or both of the precursors to reach the desired concentrations of ozone.

This modeling approach uses a Lagrangian modeling approach. In this approach (which differs from a fixed, or Eulerian model), the model considers a column of air which extends from the surface through a certain height above the surface. The column moves, and as a result, is subjected to fresh emissions, dilution, and chemical reactions. A graphic of a Lagrangian model is shown at right.

EKMA can also be considered as a variant of a box model. In a box model, shown below, emissions enter the box and are transformed through a series of reactions (or a reaction mechanism). Transport in and out of the box is influenced by the surrounding meteorology. Dilution is usually taken into account.

Quick Quiz: What does an isopleth show?
the relationship of ozone concentration as a function of NOx
the relationship of ozone concentration as a function of VOCs
the relationship of ozone concentration as a function of both VOCs and NOx
none of the above

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