OS411C: Meteorology for Air Quality Modeling Pre-Test
Directions: Use this self-grading assessment exercise to evaluate your understanding of the topics in this course. You should score at least an 80% (16 out of 20 correct answers) before deciding to not take this course (a pre-requisite for OS411F) or before deciding to challenge the OS411C exam. You should note that a high score is not a perfect predictor of your mastery of the information in this course!
TO START THE QUIZ: Click on "Next Question". Choose the appropriate answer. You will immediately see if your answer is correct, and a running total of your score will also appear. When you have reached the last question, click again on "Next Question", and a "report card" window will appear. Be sure to close the report card window when you are done. If you get a JavaScript error you may need to reload (refresh) the page to initialize the question list.