Colors | Temps (C) | Temps (F) | Description |
dark cyan | -32 to -43 | -25 to -45 | Jet stream and anvil clouds |
cyan | -43 to -54 | -45 to -65 | |
light blue | -54 to -60 | -65 to -76 | Thick jet stream clouds |
dark blue | -60 to -64 | -76 to -83 | Strong thunderstorm tops |
dark green | -64 to -70 | -83 to -94 | |
green | -70 to -76 | -94 to -105 | Severe thunderstorm tops |
brown | -76 to -81 | -105 to -114 | Strong Hurricane tops |
yellow | -81 to -90 | -114 to -130 |