Goal: To examine the effect of soil type, ground cover type, and rainfall amount on the
quantity of water runoff.
The amount of runoff for differing conditions can be modeled
through the use of this Internet application. It allows for the
modification of such variables as soil type, ground cover type, and of rain duration in order for the user to
obtain a greater understanding of the quantity of water runoff and the effect of different soil and cover types on the water runoff.
The simulation uses the conceptual framework of computational science -- application,
algorithm, and architecture. The application
refers to the scientific problem of interest and the components of that problem
that we wish to study and/or include. The algorithm
refers to the numerical/mathematical representation of that problem, including any numerical method or recipe used to solve the algorithm. Finally, the
refers to the computing platform and software tool(s) used to compute a solution set for
the algorithm.