Box Plot Exploration Questions
Questions for the data on Amount Spent per Student
These data show the average amount of money spent per student
in public elementary schools for each of the 50 states and the District of
Columbia. The categories are region: S = south, W = west, NE = northeast,
MW = midwest.
Source: National Center for Education Statistics
- Approximately what was the median amount spent per student
- What is the interquartile range for the amount spent per student overall?
- Which region spends the most? the least?
- How do the middle 50% of the data for the regions compare?
Questions for the data on Gas Mileage
These data show the average gas mileage for a selected set of cars manufactured
for sale in the year 2000. The categories are car size: compact, midsized and SUV.
Source: US DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics
- Approximately what was the median gas mileage for these cars?
- What is the interquartile range for the overall gas mileage?
- Which type of car uses the most fuel? the least?
- How do the middle 50% of the data for the types of car compare?
