Grade 8 North Carolina Standards
Competency Goal 1: The learner will understand and compute with real numbers.
Interactivate Lessons | Objectives |
Objective 1.01: Develop number sense for the real numbers.
a). Define and use irrational numbers.
b). Compare and order.
c). Use estimates of irrational numbers in appropriate situations.
Objective 1.02:Develop flexibility in solving problems by selecting strategies and using
mental computation, estimation, calculators or computers, and paper and pencil.
Competency Goal 5: The learner will understand and use linear relations and functions.
Interactivate Lessons | Objectives |
Patterns in Pascal's Triangle
An Introduction to Sequences
Introduction to Functions
Introduction to Linear Functions
Graphing and the Coordinate Plane
Cartesian Coordinate System
Graphs and Functions
Functions and the Vertical Line Test
Reading Graphs
Impossible Graphs
Objective 5.01: Develop an understanding of function.
a). Translate among verbal, tabular, graphic, and algebraic representations of functions.
b). Identify relations and functions as linear or nonlinear.
c). Find, identify, and interpret the slope (rate of change) and intercepts of a linear relation.
d). Interpret and compare properties of linear functions from tables, graphs, or equations.
Introduction to Functions
Introduction to Linear Functions
Graphing and the Coordinate Plane
Graphs and Functions
Objective 5.02: Write an equation of a linear relationship given: two points, the slope
and one point on the line, or the slope and y-intercept.
Pascal's Triangle
Introduction to Functions
Introduction to Linear Functions
Graphing and the Coordinate Plane
Cartesian Coordinate System
Impossible Graphs
Graphs and Functions
Reading Graphs
Objective 5.03: Solve problems using linear equations and inequalities; justify
symbolically and graphically.
Objective 5.04: Solve equations using the inverse relationships of addition and
subtraction, multiplication and division, squares and square roots and cubes and cube roots.