Box Plot Exploration Questions

Collect the following data from your classmates, recording it in a table like the one below. Think carefully about your answer, and be careful to record information accurately.

  • Gender: Boy or girl
  • Height: Height in inches while standing at attention
  • Journey: Estimated number of minutes it takes to get to school from home
  • TV Hours: Estimated number of hours of TV watched per week (including Saturday and Sunday)

GenderHeight JourneyTV Hours

Build appropriate box plots to answer the questions below:

  1. What is tallest height in the class? The shortest?
  2. Estimate the median height in the class.
  3. Are boys' heights different from girls' heights? For example, are the medians different? Are the middle 50%'s different?

  4. What is the first quartile for the length of the journey to school for the class? The median? The third quartile?
  5. Are the journeys similar for boys and girls?
  6. How long does it take the boy with the shortest journey to get to school? The boy with the longest?

  7. What is the median number of hours of TV watched per week by the class?
  8. Do boys watch more TV or less TV than girls?