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Call Stack
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Interactivate: Word Problems with Two Unknowns


Word Problems with Two Unknowns

Shodor > Interactivate > Textbooks > Mathematics in Context Grade 8 > Word Problems with Two Unknowns

Mathematics in Context Grade 8
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Word Problems with Two Unknowns
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Activity: Enter a set of data points, then derive a function to fit those points. Manipulate the function on a coordinate plane using slider bars. Learn how each constant and coefficient affects the resulting graph.

Activity: A more advanced version of Slope Slider, this activity allows the manipulation of the constants and coefficients in any function thereby encouraging the user to explore the effects on the graph of the function by changing those numbers.

Activity: Create graphs of functions and sets of ordered pairs on the same coordinate plane. This is like a graphing calculator with advanced viewing options.

Activity: Review the properties of functions by looking at ten different curves and deciding whether or not they meet the criteria for a graph of a function. This activity simply displays the curves - it does not quiz the user.

Activity: Enter two complex numbers (z and c) as ordered pairs of real numbers, then click a button to iterate step by step. The iterates are graphed in the x-y plane and printed out in table form. This is an introduction to the idea of prisoners/escapees in iterated functions and the calculation of fractal Julia sets.

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