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Call Stack
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Interactivate: Operations with Percents


Operations with Percents

Shodor > Interactivate > Textbooks > Mathematics in Context Grade 6 > Operations with Percents

Mathematics in Context Grade 6
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Operations with Percents
Lesson  (...)
Activity  (...)
Activity: Students work step-by-step through the generation of a different Hilbert-like Curve (a fractal made from deforming a line by bending it), allowing them to explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Learn about fractions between 0 and 1 by repeatedly deleting portions of a line segment, and also learn about properties of fractal objects. Parameter: fraction of the segment to be deleted each time.

Activity: Step through the generation of a Hilbert Curve -- a fractal made from deforming a line by bending it, and explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Step through the generation of the Koch Snowflake -- a fractal made from deforming the sides of a triangle, and explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Carpet -- a fractal made from subdividing a square into nine smaller squares and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Triangle -- a fractal made from subdividing a triangle into four smaller triangles and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Step through the tortoise and hare race, based on Zeno's paradox, to learn about the multiplication of fractions and about convergence of an infinite sequence of numbers.

Discussion  (...)
Worksheet  (...)
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