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Call Stack
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30.134419479200SWAT->startSession( )../standardIncludes.php5:110
40.134419479200session_start ( )../SWAT.php5:108
Interactivate: Section 5: Decimal Place Value


Section 5: Decimal Place Value

Shodor > Interactivate > Textbooks > Math Thematics 1st Ed. Book 1 > Section 5: Decimal Place Value

Math Thematics 1st Ed. Book 1
Module 2 - Patterns and Designs
Section 5: Decimal Place Value
Lesson  (...)
Activity  (...)
Activity: Students work step-by-step through the generation of a different Hilbert-like Curve (a fractal made from deforming a line by bending it), allowing them to explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Step through the generation of a Hilbert Curve -- a fractal made from deforming a line by bending it, and explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Activity: Step through the generation of Sierpinski's Triangle -- a fractal made from subdividing a triangle into four smaller triangles and cutting the middle one out. Explore number patterns in sequences and geometric properties of fractals.

Discussion  (...)
Worksheet  (...)
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