
Search Interactivate

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This worksheet is for use with the activity Equation Solver (
This worksheet is for use with the Simple Maze Game activity (
Inverse Properties (Discussion)
Introduces the concepts of the additive inverse and multiplicative inverse and how they are used when solving equations.
Scatter Plot (Activity)
Graph ordered pairs and customize the graph title and axis labels. Points are connected from left to right, rather than being connected in the order they are entered.
Introduces the notion of using modular arithmetic to encode messages.
This worksheet is for use with the Caesar Cipher III activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Fraction Quiz activity (
This worksheet is for use with the Linear Function Machine activity (
Introduces students to lines, rays, line segments, and planes.
Regression (Activity)
Plot a bivariate data set, determine the line of best fit for their data, and then check the accuracy of your line of best fit.

a resource from CSERD, a pathway portal of NSDL NSDL CSERD